russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 1-2

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
3 December 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Zelensky and Zaluzhny signaled their intention to strengthen Ukrainian defenses and fortifications around the Ukrainian theater of operations, - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces ousted Russian troops from positions north of Khromovo and east of Kleshcheevka.

▪️Ukrainian troops are conducting an offensive operation in the Melitopol direction (west of the Zaporozhye region).

▪️Ukrainian forces also maintain positions on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River.

- Ukrainian air defense has become better

Now Ukrainian Buk air defense systems are fully equipped with modern American Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missiles. They will be used to intercept Caliber and X-101.

Very cool news. Soviet missiles for the Buk are in huge short supply.

- A blow was struck at the building where the meeting of the occupiers was taking place in the temporarily occupied village of Yubileinoye, Kherson region.

As a result of successful actions, five high-ranking officials and collaborators are known to have died, as well as about 20 wounded.

- President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky expressed doubt that Ukraine will ever become a member of NATO:

«We don't know exactly how it will be. Nobody can tell you for sure. And whether we will be in NATO or not. We want, but...”

- Most of the US financial assistance to Ukraine is spent in the United States, WaPo reports

Thus, of the 68 billion dollars in military aid approved by the US Congress, almost 90% remains with the Americans.

These funds are used to create new US jobs, opportunities for local suppliers, shops, restaurants and other businesses that support the defense industry.

- In the Severomuisky tunnel in Buryatia, a fuel tank caught fire while the train was moving.

The tunnel is located on the Baikal-Amur Mainline and provides railway communication between Russia and China.

Ukrainian media, citing their sources, claim that the organizers of the attack were the SBU, but according to the official version, the cause of the incident was a short circuit in the cable network.

- The biggest problem of the new Ukrainian fleet of 31 M-1 Abrams tanks is... American made — these are not 1500-horsepower tank gas turbine engines. Not really.

No, these are filters in the engine intake. The filters keep dirt and debris from contaminating and damaging the fragile but powerful M-1 engine.

They require constant cleaning. If the Abrams crew of four men neglecting to clean their tank's filters every 12 hours or so could cause engine damage so severe that the battalion would have no choice but to remove the engine and possibly the transmission and send it in for a replacement. long overhaul.

This would eliminate one of the few Ukrainian M-1s from the battlefield as surely as a Russian mine or missile could. Deep technical maintenance of Ukrainian "Abrams" takes place in Poland.

68-ton M-1A1SA, which is operated by Ukraine, — Thirsty machines. In the weeks before U.S. President Joe Biden's administration promised Ukraine the M-1 earlier this year, many experts and even some officials were vocally worried about the tank's fuel requirements.

Laura Cooper, US Deputy Secretary of Defense, called the "Abrams" "gasoline guzzler."

Twice a day, the M-1 crew must rev their tank's engine to high rpm to activate the pulse-jet system, which blows air out of the tank rather than into it, throwing dust and debris out of the rear grille. .

This keeps filters clean during long deployments. Before the Americans installed on the M-1 in the early 2000spulse-reactive system, tankers, especially those fighting in the desert, openly complained about the reliability of their vehicles.

- Ukraine produces about 50,000 FPV kamikaze drones every month. Russia – 6 times more.

In total, there are about 200 drone manufacturers in Ukraine, which provide only 10-15% of the total needs of the army.

One engineer assembles about 50 FPV drones per month.

At the same time, Ukrainian manufacturers lack 2,000 engineers, and to reach the Russian level, the industry needs 6,000 engineers.

- A plan to draft more Ukrainian men into the army has been on President Vladimir Zelensky’s desk since June.

The wartime leader is still ignoring pressure from the military to sign it.

Instead, Zelensky last week asked his government and senior leaders for a more comprehensive package of measures better tailored to a country exhausted by war and bracing for another winter of fighting.

It again postponed a project approved by the Ukrainian parliament to reduce the wartime conscription age for men without military experience from 27 to 25 years.

- Putin appears to be winning the war in Ukraine for now, writes The Economist.

The Russian President put his country on a war footing and strengthened his power. He has purchased military supplies overseas and is helping to turn the global south against America. Most importantly, it undermines Western confidence that Ukraine can – and should – emerge from the war as a prosperous European democracy.

The West could do much more to frustrate Putin. If he wanted, he could tap into industrial and financial resources that dwarf those of Russia. However, fatalism, complacency and a shocking lack of strategic vision are getting in the way, especially in Europe.

The West urgently needs to get rid of lethargy for its own sake and for the sake of Ukraine.

The reason Putin's victory is possible is that victory depends on endurance, not on the seizure of territory. Neither army is able to dislodge another from the land they currently control.

- The wreckage of a Ukrainian AGM-160 MALD decoy missile supplied by the Americans, probably in the Kherson region.

They are used in conjunction with Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG, but the carrier aircraft is still unknown, as is its quantity received by Ukraine.

- The delivery of a new long-range missile to Ukraine from the United States has been postponed until next year, Reuters reports.

Ukraine will have to wait until next year to receive its first large shipment of rocket-propelled bombs, which the United States has adapted to strike at ranges of nearly 100 miles, according to the Pentagon and people familiar with the matter.

When Boeing first approached the United States last fall with a proposal to buy and ship a ground-launched small diameter bomb (GLSDB) to Ukraine, the most optimistic delivery timeline was around the spring of this year.

Ukraine needs GLSDB to augment the limited number of 100-mile range ATACMS missiles sent by the US.

This will allow the Ukrainian military to hit targets at twice the distance of the missiles it currently fires from the US-supplied High Mobility Artillery Missile System (HIMARS), and will force Russia to move its stockpile even further from the front line.

People familiar with the current timeline say delivery to the United States by Boeing, GLSDB's prime contractor, will take place in late December, followed by several months of testing before delivery to Ukraine.

- Switzerland has frozen Russian assets worth 7.7 billion Swiss francs ($8.8 billion).

- Putin signs a decree increasing the size of the Russian army to 2.2 million people, adding another 170 thousand troops.

- Dog Storm Shadow

- Absolute record: five Russian planes broke down in flight in two days

Planes of Russian airlines, which due to sanctions were left without new spare parts and maintenance, continue to actively break down.

In the first two days of winter, as many as five airliners broke down, Russian media writes:

✈️ Aeroflot Airbus A321 made an emergency landing at Pulkovo due to the cockpit air conditioning system display triggering.

✈️ Boeing 737 made an emergency landing in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Reason — activation of an indication of a drop in pressure on one of the six wheels of the landing gear.

✈️ In Novosibirsk, the autopilot and flaps of an IrAero plane failed after taking off from Tolmachevo airport.

✈️ Aeroflot Airbus A321, flying from St. Petersburg to Moscow, made an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo due to a left engine failure.

✈️ A Yamal airline Superjet 100 landed at the Tyumen Roshchino airport due to a technical reason.

- The United States added three oil tankers and three companies to the anti-Russian sanctions list — US Treasury

In particular, the oil tankers HS Atlantica, NS Champion and Viktor Bakaev were subject to sanctions.

Restrictions will also affect three companies:

▪️From Liberia HS Atlantica Limited.

▪️From the UAE Sterling Shipping Incorporated and Streymoy Shipping Limited.

The companies are related to the specified tankers.

- “This is a threat to national security” — The Estonian government is looking for a mechanism for deporting those who decide to obtain Russian citizenship

On October 26, a law on obtaining Russian citizenship on preferential terms for those who have close family ties with former citizens of the USSR or the Russian Empire came into force in Russia.

In early November, Estonian Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets, commenting on this document, said that if an Estonian resident accepts Russian citizenship, his residence permit will be revoked.

Prime Minister Kaja Kallas confirmed that her government is looking for a way to deport someone from the country for receiving a Russian passport

As the newspaper Postimees writes, Kallas recalled that Russia violated all principles of international law by attacking Ukraine and is recognized as a state supporting terrorism.

A person living in Estonia, receiving Russian citizenship, confirms that, if necessary, as part of mobilization, he is ready to join the Russian army and participate in attacks on Ukraine.

“This is already a threat to the security of the Republic of Estonia and a very clear signal that the Estonian state cannot ignore,” — Callas noted.

- “Scattered with human meat”: Biden commented on Putin’s decision to increase the army

White House National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby noted that "there is no doubt here that he (Putin) is literally throwing human flesh around to try to hold on to the territory that they illegally occupied in Ukraine, and also to try to seize even more."

He added that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are superior to the Russians in the quality of troops, leadership, command and control. In addition, he noted the quality of the weapons that the United States and allies provided to Ukraine.

"This only highlights the difficulties that Russians face in Ukraine and will continue to face in the future," — Kirby added, comparing the current Russian dumping of dead bodies to the tactics at Bakhmut.

- American journalist Seymour Hersh claims that the Russian Federation and Ukraine are allegedly conducting secret peace negotiations along the Gerasimov-Zaluzhny line, despite the objections of Zelensky and the White House.

Hersh claims, referring to the “anonymous” US officials that the issue of possible consolidation of borders along the current front line with the preservation of Crimea and the occupied territories of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions is allegedly decisive for the Russian Federation. Instead, an option is being considered in which Ukraine could join NATO, but with the obligation that the alliance will not station troops or offensive weapons there.

“The American official said that Zelensky was made to understand that not he, but “the military will solve this problem, and negotiations will continue with or without you.”

“If necessary, we will pay for your trip to the Caribbean,” — the American official told meik", — wrote Hersh.

- “Endless War”: cover of the new issue of the German Der Spiegel.

«Now that the second winter of the war begins, it is clear: hopes for a new turn of events were in vain. The war turned into a positional one. Only with heavy losses will the sides be able to slightly move the front line. This war cannot be ended quickly by military means. This could go on for years."

- Inflatable mock-ups of the M270B MLRS produced by the Lithuanian company Aviatema.

It is possible that they have already been delivered or will be delivered to Ukraine.

- Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko believes that Ukraine is moving towards authoritarianism and may cease to be different from Russia, where “everything depends on the whim of one person.”

- Polish truckers blocked a shipment of American patrol boats on the Ukrainian border, claiming that Ukrainian trucking companies create unfair competition.

- Crimea, captured by the Russians, will probably be easier to de-occupy than Donbass – Zelensky.

“I think that Crimea is waiting for a return, and Donbass is also waiting, but it will be very difficult, because most of this territory was occupied and militarized to the maximum.”

- The SBU blew up a strategic railway in Russia leading to China.

Tonight there was an explosion on the Baikal-Amur Mainline located in Buryatia. The operation paralyzed the only serious route of railway communication between the Russian Federation and China.

- Elena Zelenskaya entered the TOP 25 most influential women in the world according to the Financial Times.

“Like her husband, Zelenskaya has become a global symbol of resilience,” – Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas speaks about her.

- A mural dedicated to the Air Defense Forces and energy workers was opened in Kyiv

The work was called "Defenders of Light".

With this mural, the authors wanted to express gratitude to those who protect our sky and bring light to the homes of Ukrainians.

“Right now, standing on the threshold of the second winter in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the defenders of the light need public support more than ever,” said the commander of the 112th separate brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces – Colonel Vladislav Kosenko.

The opening of the mural was attended by the military 112 OBRTRO of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, defending Kyiv from suicide bombers, as well as energy workers from the DTEK company.

- LGBT people were banned in the Russian Federation and recognized as an extremist organization.

The decision of the Supreme Court comes into force immediately.

Half of their show business are now extremists? 🤡

- EU countries have agreed on a package of financial assistance for Ukraine worth €50 billion over the next 4 years, – Sky News with reference to the European Budget Commissioner Johannes Hann.

He added that the aid package will not be appealed by any of the EU countries, even in terms of volume.

Somewhere lonely Orban cried

- Ukraine will probably not be able to oust all Russian troops by the end of 2024: this is what NATO thinks.

However, Western allies assure that financial and military support for Kyiv will not decrease.

- €2.7 billion will be provided to Ukraine by the Netherlands in 2024, – Statement by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hanke Bruins Slot.

This is the first confirmation that support for Ukraine from allies will not decrease 🔥

- There will be no elections in Ukraine until the end of the war: both presidential and parliamentary ones – representatives of all factions and groups of the Verkhovna Rada signed a memorandumandum.

Elections in Ukraine can be held no earlier than 6 months after the lifting of martial law.

- the daughter of propagandist Solovyov criticized the decision to recognize LGBT as an extremist organization in the Russian Federation.

Will he talk about this in his program? 🤡

- Ukraine will produce air defense systems with a range of more than 100 km such as the Coral air defense system, – Ministry of Defense.

- Each mobilized Kiev resident will receive 30 thousand hryvnia.

«The Kiev City Council will consider the issue of material incentives for Kiev residents who will be mobilized into the Armed Forces from December. The city found funds to pay 30,000 to each recruit,” – Klitschko said

- The SBU staged a railway “Chernobayevka” for the Russians: a train with fuel exploded again in Buryatia.

The Russians fell into the trap of the SBU twice — Another train carrying fuel burst into flames on the Baikal-Amur Railway. As our sources emphasize, this explosion became the second stage of the SBU special operation to disable this important railway line. The Russians also use it for military logistics.

The first freight train exploded directly in the Severnomoisky tunnel. To continue moving, the Russians began to use a bypass route passing through the Devil's Bridge. This is exactly what the SBU was counting on: when a train passed over this high 35-meter bridge, the explosive devices embedded in it went off. As a result of the explosion, 6 tanks caught fire.

- Russian oligarchs enriched themselves by $38.6 billion over the year, despite sanctions, – Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Of the 25 richest Russians included in the ranking, only three of their wealth decreased. Recently, the EU has already agreed on the 12th package of sanctions against Russia.

There are many questions about their effectiveness...

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminated a racist who became famous thanks to Griby’s video “The Ice is Melting,” which was watched by 268 million people.

An orc is melting between us... 😁

- The German concern Rheinmetall plans to launch a plant in Ukraine in 2024, – Reuters.

The production of Fuchs armored personnel carriers may begin by the end of the summer of 2024, and Lynx infantry fighting vehicles – by summer 2025. As I already wrote, this will happen as part of the formation of a joint venture between Rheinmetall and Ukroboronprom.

- 24 dead and 11 injured occupiers: two local residents from Simferopol poisoned the Russian military, – RosSMI.

The women decided to treat the orcs with food and vodka, but added arsenic and strychnine.

Good job, girls👌

- Most of the money allocated to help Ukraine remains in the United States, - The Washington Post.

The funds that legislators approve for arming Ukraine are not sent directly to Ukraine, but are used in the United States to create new weapons or to replace weapons sent to Kyiv from US stockpiles.

Of the $68 billion in military and related aid approved by Congress since Russia invaded Ukraine, nearly 90% goes to Americans (117 production lines in 31 states and 71 US cities).

At the same time, a total of 31 senators and members of the House of Representatives whose states or districts receive funding for Ukraine voted against or limit this assistance.

- The UK Ministry of Defense reported record losses for the Russian army.

Record losses among the invaders in November 2023 were achieved as a result of the attack on Avdiivka.

HowThe report notes that during November, losses in the Russian army averaged 931 people per day.

Russia's previous deadliest month was March 2023, with an average of 776 people per day, at the height of the Russian offensive on Bakhmut.

- At a military training ground near Rostov, the Russians decided to light a fire near the ammunition that detonated — 10 killed, 15 injured

- Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov declared Moldova “the next victim” in the Kremlin’s confrontation with Western countries.

He made a corresponding statement at the OSCE ministerial meeting.

Lavrov is convinced that the West has unleashed a hybrid war against Russia and intends to use Moldova as a tool.

- The European Commission is considering the possibility of introducing sanctions against Poland due to the situation on the border with Ukraine.

European Commissioner for Transport Adina Velyan emphasized that the Polish authorities have shown insufficient initiative to resolve the situation on the border with Ukraine.

- Former British Prime Minister in the USA: The ultimate goal of the war is Russia's loss.

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss, who is in the United States to persuade Republicans to support further aid to Ukraine, believes Russia's loss is necessary to end the war.

- There was a complete blackout at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant at night: there is a threat to radiation safety, - Energoatom.

On the evening of December 1, the 330 kV power transmission line "Zaporozhye Thermal Power Plant - Ferrosplavnaya" was broken, due to which the station received power from the Ukrainian energy system.

At 02:31 during an air raid, the last line of the Zaporozhye NPP - Dneprovskaya with a voltage of 750 kV was de-energized. Due to the complete blackout, Zaporizhia NPP switched to powering its needs from diesel generators. All 20 diesel generators turned on automatically, eight of which were later left in operation.

- Marinka now

Fierce fighting is taking place in the city.

- Geubels was spinning in his grave from such twitching.

- Problems of Russian streamers.

- A resident of the Tomsk region raped a 15-year-old girl from an orphanage, and then signed a contract and went to war in Ukraine. Now they can't detain him

Criminal case under clause a. Part 3 Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was opened in the Tomsk region against a contract soldier, 28-year-old Vitaly N. According to investigators, in April he raped a 15-year-old student at the “Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care.” And six months later, in early November, he signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense and already left for the war in Ukraine, ASTRA found out.

Therefore, the rapist cannot be detained yet.

- 58-year-old Komi resident Pyotr Nesterkov, accused of justifying terrorism, was sent for compulsory treatment

The Military Court of Appeal approved the sending of Pyotr Nesterkov for compulsory treatment. A 58-year-old resident of Syktyvkar is accused of publicly justifying terrorism and extremism for comments on social networks.

In June 2022, Nesterkov sent a notice to the election commission of the Komi Republic to hold a referendum to end the war, bring Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Mishustin to justice, and hold new presidential elections. The election commission rejected his application. In addition, Nesterkotried to organize a rally about holding a referendum, but only one person came to it.

- In Cheboksary, teachers are required to conduct surveys of schoolchildren’s parents and compile lists of those who are loyal and disloyal to the GDP.

The telegram channel “Angry Chuvashia” reports this, citing screenshots from chats where teachers communicate. According to them, parents are asked to answer questions about whether they will vote for Putin or for another candidate, and to express their opinion regarding the president's popular support.

The Cheboksary Education Department has set a task for school directors to collect personal data of the maximum number of schoolchildren's parents. Full name, home address, place of work and, of course, loyalty or disloyalty to Putin — Teachers must enter all this into tables and pass them on to the head teachers. Data collection is carried out in strict secrecy; teachers are asked to call parents and transfer materials on flash drives, so that God forbid the truth about this leaks online.

Such lists are needed by the authorities in order to force state employees to encourage loyalists to come to the polling stations before Putin’s overthrow in 2024. Officials kindly provided lists of sites with addresses in the same package of secret documents.

Earlier, the Udmurtia Against Corruption channel reported that similar surveys were being conducted at the Kupol electromechanical plant in Izhevsk.

- Sorry

- Fencing off from the civilized world continues

- They say there are problems with the packages

- Morphological signs of homosexuality in men issued by police

- International humanitarian law requires the parties to the conflict to release detained civilians without any conditions, but so far only 154 people have been returned to Ukraine

- ASTRA: The killer of the cat Kuzi died in the war in Ukraine

Artem Lavrentyev from Severodvinsk died in the war, only last year he was convicted in a case of cruelty to animals for torturing and killing the cat Kuzi.

In 2021, Lavrentiev, together with his cohabitant Anna-Victoria Gromovich, stole a 14-year-old cat, Kuzya, from his mother. Lavrentyev and Gromovich tortured the animal for several weeks, filmed the abuse on video and published it online with the caption “Dedicated to Elena Yuryevna.” — That’s the name of Lavrentiev’s mother. After Kuzi's death, they returned his body to the owner.

In February 2022, Lavrentyev was sentenced to three and a half years in prison, and Gromovich — to three years and six months in a general regime colony. It is unknown when exactly Artyom Lavrentyev was recruited for the war. He disappeared in Ukraine in the summer of 2023, but his remains were only found now.

- Russia in a couple of years

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