Ukrainian soldiers tracked down and destroyed the enemy Strela-10 air defense system

3 December 2023
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The crew of which tried in vain to shoot down the FlyEye reconnaissance drone

Soldiers of the 59th Mechanized Infantry Brigade named after Yakov Handzyuk and the 53rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade named after Prince Vladimir Monomakh tracked down and destroyed the enemy Strela-10 air defense system, the crew of which tried in vain to shoot down a FlyEye reconnaissance drone in the sky over occupied Donetsk.

The attack of a kamikaze drone on an enemy air defense system and the detonation of the ammunition of the Russian complex are visible.

“Revenge seems cold, especially a month later. These pictures continue the story of the unsuccessful attempt of the Russian Strela-10 air defense system to shoot down a FlyEye reconnaissance drone in the sky over occupied Donetsk. As it turned out, our soldiers were able to track down an enemy target and hit it with a spectacular detonation in the final. We celebrate the effective collaboration of the 59th Mechanized Infantry Brigade and the 53rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade," notes the author of the publication.
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