12 times people found amazing things that needed to be talked about (13 photos)

29 November 2023

Sometimes we are lucky enough to discover something amazing.

Old coins, long-forgotten items or mementos from grandma can all become unexpected treasures. Probably, such finds are not worth a lot of money, but they contain a completely different value - they were witnesses of the past and history. Network users willingly share such finds, and here are 12 examples.

First edition of Edgar Allan Poe's stories, bought for 20 euros at a book flea market in Italy

Coins that had been sitting inside a washing machine for several years

Christmas lights stolen by squirrel found in backyard months later

Roman coin found on a walk

Accidental find in the forest

Here we have collected even more amazing finds in the forest.

An old chest that hasn't been opened for over a hundred years

Herbarium in a book that is 165 years old

Gold nugget found by metal detector

One of the first cell phones found in a closet: it still works

Embroidery discovered by granddaughter after grandmother's death

Playboy written in Braille

Parquet floor in a Scottish library, laid 117 years ago: it was hidden for years by a carpet

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