12 architectural masterpieces that remain only in photographs (13 photos)

29 November 2023

Buildings, temples and entire areas of which nothing remains.

Many masterpieces have disappeared due to historical upheavals, natural disasters, and even human stupidity or carelessness.

Here are lost architectural creations that remain only in photographs and drawings.

Venice is a Los Angeles neighborhood that has completely changed

Transgas building in Prague, built in 1978

Hotel Saratoga in Havana, Cuba: it was destroyed due to a gas explosion

The Tuileries Palace in Paris has been the residence of French kings since 1564: it burned down in 1871

A 1538 temple in the Ly Jalca region of Peru that collapsed due to an earthquake

Pittsburgh was once considered one of the most beautiful cities in the USA, until they decided to rebuild it

Palcio Monro in Rio de Janeiro, demolished in 1976 despite protests

Historical center of Warsaw in 1939

2,000-year-old Sudan pyramid that was destroyed by a treasure hunter in the 1800s

He did not want to look for an entrance in the sand and simply blew up the tops of the pyramids.

"Moscow" is the largest swimming pool in the world: it was closed for the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

London City Gate, demolished in the 1760s

Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan and what remains of them

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