American surgeons performed the world's first eyeball transplant operation (5 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 18
20 November 2023
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Transplantation of kidneys, liver and some other organs has long become a common operation. But in the case of the organs of vision, before this the limit was a cornea and lens transplant.

In May 2023, surgeons at New York University Langone Health Medical Center performed the first eyeball transplant. Simultaneously with a face transplant.

James and Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez

Former military man, 46-year-old Aaron James, worked as an electrician after his service. In 2021, a man received a severe electric shock while working, as a result of which he lost his arm, eye, part of his teeth and suffered serious facial injuries.

The operation, led by Eduardo Rodriguez, lasted 21 hours. 140 surgeons, nurses and other specialists took part in it.

Man before injury, before and after transplant

For the transplant, donor material was used - the eye itself, the orbit, the eyelid, the eyebrow, as well as the lips, nose, fragments of the bones of the cheek and chin. Rodriguez warned the patient in advance that there was a chance of organ rejection. And the new eye will not see - the goal was to eliminate the cosmetic defect and psychological discomfort of the man.

Despite the possible complications, Aaron agreed, justifying his choice with the opportunity to practice for doctors. Thanks to which they may be able to save someone in the future.

The body did not reject the donor organ. A scan of James' brain also showed interesting signals coming from the damaged optic nerve, which doctors tried to preserve as much as possible.

And although the head of the department of plastic surgery who led the operation has already recognized it as a breakthrough due to the preservation of the eyeball, Rodriguez does not exclude the possibility that vision in the donor eye can be restored at least in some form.

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