Unusual, touching and touching houses for news and news (26 photos)

17 November 2023

The official birthday of the mailbox is August 2, 1858. It was on this day that the first mailbox appeared in London in the form more or less familiar to us.

However, mailboxes existed long before that. Unfortunately, with the transition of the world to email, telephones and instant messengers, this somewhat mystical repository of letters and printed publications has significantly lost momentum. But not everywhere. Many people still love boxes and turn them into real masterpieces that evoke delight and admiration.

1. Laconic and stylish

2. From scrap materials

3. The container of everything

4. Safe hands

5. Second life

6. Creative lady

7. Guarding the master's treasures

8. Hut with a carnivorous guardian

9. Practical and concise

10. Mr. Krabs

11. Sing, little bird

12. Natural green

13. Almost a hive

14. Gotham Trends

15. Do you sell fish?

16. Musician's home

17. And the artist

18. A little cobweb

19. Are there mice?

20. The unforgotten age of knights

21. Pleasant with useful

22. Best friends

23. The Tin Woodman Invites

24. Bookshelf

25. Mood color – pink

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