Creepy stories that really happened (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
15 November 2023

They like to scare children at children's camps with all sorts of urban horror stories and legends, or parents tell them to intimidate their offspring so that they don't walk around at night and talk to strangers.

Usually such a legend always has a real background, overgrown with an unimaginable amount of false details. However, something happened in the world that seems just a terrible fable, but happened in reality. Because life can be worse than any fiction.

Creepy photo

In March 2014, Brandon Vega and Sailor Gilliams went hiking in Santa Barbara, California. The route the couple chose was poorly lit and they often fell and were injured. As a result, Sailor could no longer walk and after several hours of screaming for help, Vega decided to go alone for help. Unfortunately, the young man stumbled along the way and fell from a rocky cliff. Brandon Vega fell to his death.

And only the next day, a group of tourists came to the place where the exhausted and exhausted Sailor had been lying all this time. They enthusiastically took pictures of each other and no one noticed in the photos taken Sailor, lying on her stomach, face in the dirt, with broken ankles, an arm and a number of other fractures. In the photo she can be identified by her curly and red mop of hair.

It’s hard to imagine the despair of Sailor, who saw people so close, but at the same time far away. Her weak voice simply did not reach them.

But she was lucky - they still noticed her among the plants and immediately called rescuers. Sailor was saved, but she will never forget the death of her beloved.

One heart

Cheryl and Sonny Graham

In March 1995, American Terry Cottle shot himself in the head in the bathroom of his apartment. He died in the arms of his wife Cheryl and the last thing he said was: “help me, I'm dying.”

Terry was a healthy 33-year-old man and his body was not damaged by the shot, therefore, after asking Cheryl’s consent, it was decided to donate his body for much-needed organs.

Sonny Graham, 57, received Cottle's heart. After the restoration, he immediately wrote Cheryl a letter of thanks. They met in 1996 and Graham realized that he had fallen in love with the widow of “his heart.” The couple began dating and in 2004, Sonny and Cheryl got married.

In 2008, for unknown reasons, Sonny shot himself.

So don't believe in reincarnation

Teresita Basa

Hospital orderly Allen Showery broke into the apartment of his colleague Teresita Basa in 1976. Apparently, Allen planned to rob the home, but the owner was home, which came as a surprise to him. He stabbed her and burned her so that no one would know about his crime. The case remained so-called “hanging.”

A year later, something out of the realm of fairy tales began to happen. But as it is: a colleague of Allen and Teresita began to see the latter’s corpse in the hospital corridors. Or rather, the ghost of Teresita.

The girl who saw her murdered colleague was named Remy, and the ghost chose her to tell her what really happened to her. The cops were suspicious of the ventriloquist nurse, but decided to bring Allen in for questioning. He couldn’t stand it, told the whole truth and ended up behind bars.


Barry Hepburn

Barry Hepburn, in 2000, was shot by his neighbor. The poor man's legs were paralyzed, which for a car enthusiast like Hepburn was real agony - after all, he could no longer sit behind the wheel of his favorite car. Barry constantly asked doctors to amputate his legs, but doctors refused to operate on him over and over again.

After 11 years of struggle with doctors, something terrible happened. A call was made to the emergency services asking them to come urgently. When rescuers entered Barry’s apartment, they saw an absolutely terrible picture: 65-year-old Barry had almost completely sawed off his right leg.

Black eyes

Brian Bethel

Journalist Brian Bethel was successful in his career and was not seen publishing any urban horror stories.

However, in the 90s he started a blog and there he told a very unusual story. One day a journalist was sitting in a car in the parking lot of a cinema. Several children about 10-1 years old ran up to the car.2 and Brian had already rolled down his window to give the kids a couple of bucks. The children, while he was rummaging through his pockets, said that they were not allowed into the cinema without an invitation, that they were cold and could the good Mr. let them into the car to warm up. Brian took a closer look at the children and saw that there was no white in their eyes, they were completely black.

Bethel immediately hit the gas and sped out of the parking lot. Then he heard stories from several people about black-eyed children.

Suicide Apartment

Clarissa Glenn

Clarissa Glenn moved into a new flat in Cornwall at the age of 18. After a short time, she began to constantly wake up from terrible dreams and was constantly tormented by the feeling that she was not alone in the apartment. Glenn began to have the same dream: a man who hanged himself in this apartment.

Everything was exactly like that; before her, there lived in the house a man who committed suicide in exactly this way. What would you do if you were the girl? Most likely, they would try to leave the “bad apartment” as soon as possible. But Clarissa continued to live there, tormented by nightmares, her mental state worsened, and on April 14, 2008, the girl hanged herself with her own scarf.


Blanche Monnier

In the French city of Poitiers at the end of the 19th century lived the Monier family. They were respected people in the city and were the so-called upper middle class. The Good Deeds Committee even awarded the family an award, and only the most honorable residents of Poitiers could receive it.

When 25-year-old Blanche Monnier suddenly disappeared, no one asked questions. Well, she doesn’t exist and doesn’t exist. And only 25 years later, the Prosecutor General of Paris received an anonymous message, where it was written that a certain lady had been kept locked up in Monier’s house for many years. According to the author of the letter, the unfortunate woman does not even leave the room, she is practically not fed, and she sleeps on a mattress on which lice crawl. The captive relieves her natural need on the same mattress.

Police were immediately sent to the house and found Blanche Monnier in a dark room. The woman weighed 24 kg and had not seen sunlight for 25 years. Why did they treat poor Blanche this way? Her mother and brother hid the girl from everyone so that she would not marry her beloved man, who was lower on the social ladder than Monier.

Poor Blanche was immediately sent for treatment. She was able to gain a few pounds, but her mental health was undermined forever. Blanche Monnier died 13 years later in a psychiatric clinic where she was sent after being rescued from her home by her “respected family.”

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