An employee of a Russian dog salon abused a poor dog

9 November 2023
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Everyone has bad days, but animals shouldn't have to suffer at the hands of humans.

A woman brought her Shiba Inu dog named Theo to the pet salon for a haircut. According to the owner, the dog is very good-natured: he never bites. But in the hands of the salon employee, Theo whined and barked. The girl reassured the owner, saying that the dog was simply afraid of the hair dryer. When the woman left the salon and looked out the window, everything immediately became clear. The groomer furiously scratched and hit the frightened dog's head with a comb, SHOT reports. The woman filmed the abuse of the dog and posted it on social networks.

When the video appeared on the Internet, other animal owners who found signs of violence on their pets noted in the comments.

After the scandal, the manager of the pet salon said that the groomer who beat the dog was fired a few days later. However, dog lovers were not satisfied with this outcome - and they are preparing to file a class action lawsuit

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