russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 2-3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Lukashenko called Belarusians, Lithuanians and Poles “virtually one people”

"Minsk will restore relations with them, because they are not going anywhere."

- Swiss company Nestlé and the world's largest food producer is included in the list of international war sponsors, the National Anti-Corruption Agency of Ukraine reports.

The reason for this inclusion is that the company continues to operate in Russia, supplying goods and expanding its production capacity in the country.

The company had seven factories in Russia. In addition, in Russia at Nestlé employs more than 7,000 people.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces are conducting attacks on the left bank of Kherson: the situation at the front.

- Ours are attacking near Poyma and Pischanovka, fighting near Krynoki, - ISW.

- The Russian Federation seems to be preparing for a new wave of attacks in Avdeevka, despite losses in equipment and manpower.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces advanced south of Novomikhailovka, Donetsk region and in the western part of Zaporozhye region.

- By the end of 2023, the Russian Federation can increase the number of aviation to 8 divisions. These are hundreds of planes and helicopters, – Zaluzhny.

And even despite the enemy’s advantage in the number of aircraft and air defense systems, he does not feel at ease in the skies of Ukraine. Russian aviation is trying not to enter the zones of our anti-aircraft weapons and uses airborne weapons from long distances, which significantly reduces their effectiveness.

- Foreign board of the new Russian 40N6 missile used in the S-400 complexes. Its range – 380-400 km.

The remains were found in the Zaporozhye direction. Our experts continue to examine foreign components of Russian weapons. We transfer data to partners in order to take measures and exclude the possibility of supplying these components to the Russian Federation. It's a full-time job.

- Putin signed a law revoking ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

Have you ordered another nuclear blackmail?

- There was an attempt by the occupiers to advance in the Ugledar direction, but our soldiers stopped it, - Zelensky.

- The Russian Federation has modernized the S-400 missiles, now they can reach the Dnieper, – Zaluzhny.
This will make the F-16 fighter jets due for delivery next year less useful, he said.

- The Russian Federation could receive ballistic missiles from the DPRK, – Yonhap.

North Korea may have supplied Russia with weapons other than a million shells. Most likely these are tank ammunition, guided missiles, rocket launchers and short-range ballistic missiles.

- Ukraine will need 757 years to clear all its territories – Time.

Today, the contamination of our territory with mines and unexploded shells is the largest since the Second World War

- Zelensky appointed a new commander of the Special Forces.

He became Colonel Sergei Lupanchuk. Previously, this post was held by Major General Viktor Khorenko.

- GUR knows when the Russians will launch massive attacks on the Ukrainian energy system – Yusov.

«This information is collected from various sources. Such data exists and is taken into account in general plans to counter such attacks.”

- OTRK "Grom-2" exists, it is being improved, and let Russians feel its effect on themselves – Head of the Main Directorate of Missile Forces and Artillery of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Baranov.

He also said that Ukraine already has a missile that has successfully hit targets at a range of 700 km.

- People's Deputy Dubinsky received suspicion for organizing a scheme for evaders – SBU and DBR.

He faces up to 7 years in prison.

- Official representatives of the United States and European countries are discussing the possibility of starting peace negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, - NBC.

According to officials, Ukraine will be forced to make concessions in order to reach agreements with Russia.

- Dismantling of the Soviet star has begun on Pobeda Avenue in Kyiv

- «Russia — the last one who will teach us,” Israel responded to Nebenze’s comment

Israeli Permanent Representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, believes that Russia is trying to distract attention from the war in Ukraine with the situation in the Gaza Strip

It’s funny to hear moral teachings from a representative of Russia. The representative of a country that was expelled from the UN Human Rights Council discusses morality. Russia — the last one who will teach us

- The United States is providing Ukraine with a new aid package worth $125 million, - Blinken.

It provides ammunition for NASAMS and HIMARS, artillery shells, ATGMs and warm clothing, as well as additional laser-guided ammunition to counter UAVs.

The United States is also allocating $300 million to strengthen Ukrainian air defense.

- "Hero of the Northern Military District" beat a 43-year-old passerby to death

In the Volgograd region, 27-year-old Artyom Zherebtsov attacked a resident of Dubrovka who went out to the store. The passerby died from his wounds in hospital.

The SVOshnik had already been convicted several times, and in 2015 he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He came out, however, earlier - he enlisted in the war.

Such heroic deeds must be performed in the Kremlin or Duma

- Russian Railways forces workers to answer whether they will vote for Putin in 2024

Even the necessary option was highlighted - “PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich.” They also promise to send out a “sample for filling out the questionnaire.”

This is not anonymous. Application forms must be signed with your name.

In other words: Are you for Putin or should you be fired?

- In the Russian Orel, kindergarten teachers are calling to go to war

Women publish the same type of texts about how they tell children about the “heroes of the Northern Military District” and claim that the country needs more soldiers, indicating the phone number of the military registration and enlistment office.

I wonder how much they were paid for the nativochka?

- Destroyed and damaged Russian armored vehicles during today's attack in the Ugledar area of the Donetsk region

- the Russian Federation is concentrating forces and equipment for the third massive assault on Avdeevka, - ISW, the situation at the front.

▪️Russian troops carried out offensive operations at the Kupyansk, Svatovo, Kremennaya line, but did not achieve confirmed successes.

▪️The Russian Federation is also advancing in the Avdeevka area and has advanced southwest of Krasnogorovka (4 km north of Avdeevka).

▪️Russian troops are conducting a tactical regrouping near Avdeevka. Most likely, the goal of future Russiansyskih offensive operations will be the Avdeevka coke plant.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed dozens of Russian military vehicles and stopped the Russian attack near Ugledar.

- American M1150 ABV (Assault Breacher Vehicle) demining vehicle based on the Abrams tank, which is in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. There was no official information about the transfer.

Completely “accidentally” in the photographs from Zelensky’s visit there was also... “Bogdan 4.0” with automatic charger based on the Caesar solution.

- Valeria Novodvorskaya about the Lebanese-Israeli war. 2006 “Now about the Middle East. I think that…

—- “Now about the Middle East. I think that condemning Israel is simply disgusting.

When the Jews obediently went to the gas chambers, they satisfied everyone. And when they try to protect themselves and survive, screams, protest demonstrations and talk about inappropriate violence begin. I think that it is time for decent people with military training to create international brigades and go to defend Israel, because today Israel is not only fighting for itself. He fights for European values, for a secular state, for the West, against obscurantism and religious fanaticism.

It is a pity that not all of Europe understands that the fall of Israel will be its defeat. Lebanon is undoubtedly to blame; Hezbollah was not sitting in the bushes, but in parliament. And those who feel sorry for the peaceful Lebanese should remember the Second World War. About how the Allied flying fortresses bombed peaceful Nazi Germany. Then, too, innocent women and children died, but the British and Americans were not to blame for this. And the German men who voted for Hitler and conquered living space.

Today Hamas, Hezbollah, fundamentalist Iran are the same threat as Hitler was in the 30s and 40s. Israel fights for us too. And there is no need to compare Lebanon with Chechnya - these are completely different things. There is no need to pass off your stupidity and cowardice as humanity and political correctness. Anyone who cannot fight terrorists himself should not interfere with Israel.”

- So that's it

- It’s the second year of the war, are you still watching TikTok?

- “People with money” in Russia, what's wrong with the face?

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