1000 cats were rescued in China, the meat of which was planned to be sold under the guise of lamb (6 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
30 October 2023

The fact is that you can eat cats in China, but selling their meat under the guise of something else is illegal.

But animal rights activists are not very happy that seals are being exterminated and are fighting against it with all their might.

Police in Suzhou, Jiangsu province received a report that cats were being illegally killed at a local slaughterhouse on the banks of the Yangtze River for the purpose of reselling the meat as lamb. Covert surveillance was carried out for 6 days and, in the end, a truck filled to the brim with cages with still living animals was stopped. This time, they managed to save the lives of 1000 mustaches, who were planned to be slaughtered for cheap meat.

Animal activist Gong Jian told The Paper: “Cat meat costs 4.5 yuan or less than a dollar per pound (about 450 grams), and lamb costs 30 yuan or $3 per pound. From each cat you can get about 1.5-2 kg. meat. The owner of the slaughterhouse kills cats and sells cat meat at the price of lamb.”

Photos of illegal transportation and slaughter of cats

The problem is that these cats are most likely someone's pet cats. Gong Jian said, "Many cat breeds have been discovered this time. Many of them have perfect coat color and perfect body shape. They may be domestic cats that have owners."

These cats were very lucky; they were all taken to the animal protection center. Those with a mustache who have health problems were provided with medical assistance. Volunteers are caring for the rest and searching for their owners.

A year ago, a similar situation occurred, but in a different province. Then the owner of the missing cat sounded the alarm, he conducted his investigation and found his pet in a slaughterhouse in Foshan, Guangdong Province. Thousands of already slaughtered cats were found there.

The investigation showed that the owner of the slaughterhouse was selling cat meat under the guise of various edible types of meat, making sausages and kebabs from them.

Owners of missing cats and animal rights activists are confident that if such slaughterhouses are not eliminated, cat meat will continue to be trafficked illegally on the black market, which will ultimately endanger human health.

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