An American waitress expressed outrage that Europeans do not tip (8 photos + 1 video)

27 October 2023

In a foreign country, it is useful to study local customs and rules. For example, you went to a restaurant. Leave a tip for the waiter or no, and if left, then for how long? In China, tipping a waiter is an insult, in Europe it’s a nice bonus, and in the USA it’s practically "obligation". And American waiters are often indignant about visiting Europeans who do not want to obey these rules.

The tipping culture problem in the US is getting out of hand. IN In the 1950s, the normal tip was 10% of the order amount. In the 70s years, this figure increased to 15%. And now a tip below 20% means that you were simply treated disgustingly and you will never set foot in this place again.

There is an opinion that the pandemic had this effect: during that period, tips for service workers increased because it was a way express additional gratitude. However, there is no longer a pandemic, and tips remained at least 20%, and besides, the waiters They practically began to demand. And if someone suddenly doesn’t tip or gives less than the waiter expected, expect a scandal.

Here is a certain tiktoker with the nickname @dennisethemenace very emotionally explains why she hates it when Europeans don't give tips. She's just filled with resentment

“Europeans have been preaching for a long time: “When you come to Europe, you must respect our social norms, our "it" and our "That""

“But when you come to America, you cry and whine because $52 tip? Baby, if you're broke, say so. This is the account for $288. If you have enough money to spend that much in restaurant, then you can tip $52.”

“Oh, you just took my order, brought me the food, cleaned it up, and you’re just doing your simple job.”

“More often than not, waiters do much more than just take orders and bring food. In most restaurants, if the dish The salad is included and the waiter is the one who prepares it. Doesn't always do everything kitchen".

“All waiters should share tips with everyone in the restaurant—the cooks, the bartender.”

“Sometimes with hostesses and kitchen help. If you give The waiter is given 20 dollars, he will most likely receive only 5 of them dollars. And this makes me very angry, because being a waiter is sucks. This sucks. Have to deal with rude Americans, not not to mention the Europeans who come with such great arrogance and such a huge ego."

“I worked at a fancy sushi restaurant, and I’m not even kidding. The waiters didn't want to serve any Europeans. Because, firstly, they knew that they would not be given a tip, and secondly, these customers They behaved really very rudely and arrogantly.”

"They tell us, 'You guys have to fight for a better salary and all that." Baby, have you been to America? We stand for a lot fought - and everything remained the same. Like... what can we do?”

“I saw in the comments people who say: “Most waiters prefer not a stable salary, but this system with tips." Yes, get paid $4.30 and hope someone gives you tip... You have allowed the government to brainwash you if you think that this is normal. Every American knows that our government the system is imperfect. So if you really think that you can do this and force our government to listen to us, please go ahead and sing.”

“The fact is that many Europeans, after talking with a couple Americans begin to dictate behavior for everyone else.”

“Just say you don't care about other people, that's all. If I can’t tip the waiter, then I just don’t go to the restaurant.”

“And I always take a minimum of 20%. This is the norm here. And if you don’t want to follow it, don’t come to America.”

The video sparked a lively discussion. Here are a few comments to complete the picture.

“Lately there is a rather fashionable alternative earnings for waiters, teachers, policesome employees, office employees: create an account on Onlyfans. But by criticizing clients you can The only thing you can achieve is that sooner or later you will be fired, haha.”

“Such an attitude is fundamentally wrong, and expectations immoral. The client decides whether to leave a tip or not, and you I should say thank you very much for any amount. Many can't afford a tip. The main thing you have to remember is that when people spend your establishment has its own money, it supports the business that pays you salary."

“Waiters in my country are well paid. They accept the tip I leave them as confirmation of good service and tasty food. In the USA, waiters live from these tips, so I always I leave them 15-20%, and that’s fine.”

“Customers should only tip if they want to. want, and not because it is expected of them. And workers in the sphere service should not rely on tips instead of normal payment labor. This is a problem that must be solved at the state level.”

“So, maybe because they constantly ask for tips inappropriately and inappropriately, no one wants to give them.”

“Tipping is optional. And in many ways, besides, outdated. People already pay a lot of money for food today, and pay No one is interested in this additionally.”

“Hmm, that is, your employer does not pay you a living allowance at least, and the client is to blame for this. Clearly understood. It looks something like this."

“Besides America and England, there are other countries. It's amazing I I know! And the history of tipping is different in all countries. I'm Australian and I'm used to giving a tip when I get good service. Wherever I am was".

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