Cases in cinema when the Golden Raspberry was awarded to non-actors (14 photos)

20 October 2023

Can the Golden Raspberry anti-award be awarded to a non-actor? Yes, because various celebrities are often invited to the movies. These could be famous athletes, singers, musicians and even politicians. And it often happens that they get full-fledged roles! In theory, accusing them of bad acting... is somehow unfair, since they have nothing in common with the art of acting. But one way or another, they knew what they were signing up for. They were awarded a raspberry for their efforts, but they still received their dose of hype.

2022 - LeBron James

The American basketball player received an anti-award as worst actor for the film “Space Jam: The Next Generation.”

1990 and 2019 - Donald Trump

In 1990, the American businessman received an anti-award for worst supporting actor (he played himself, and this is his film debut) in the film “Ghosts Don’t Do That.”

And in 2019, Donald Trump, already the current 45th President of the United States, received a “raspberry” as the worst actor for two documentaries at once: “Death of a Nation,” where his reign is compared with that of Abraham Lincoln, and “Fahrenheit 11/9,” which talks about the 2016 elections, which he just won, and the years of his presidency.

2010 - Jonas Brothers

Three members of the American pop group received “raspberry” awards for worst actors for the documentary “The Jonas Brothers Concert.”

2009 - Paris Hilton

The American media personality and model received the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress for the film The Beauty and the Ugly.

In general, in the 2000s, Paris had more than ten film roles, but we still believe that the career of an actress is far from her main activity.

2021 - Mike Lindell

The American politician received an anti-award as worst actor for his documentary “Absolute Proof,” in which he claims that Chinese hackers influenced the 2020 US election, which was won by Joseph Biden.

1987 - Prince

The American musician received an anti-award as worst actor (and worst director) for the film “Under the Cherry Moon.”

Prince himself directed this musical melodrama, which became his directorial debut and collected five Golden Raspberries, including as the worst film of the year.

2005 - George W. Bush

The American politician and 43rd President of the United States received a “raspberry” as the worst actor for the documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” (not to be confused with the film “Fahrenheit 11/9”, for which Trump received an anti-award).

1999 - Spice Girls

Five members of the British pop group received "raspberry" awards as worst actresses for the comedy film "Spice World", where the girls played themselves.

1997 - Dennis Rodman

The American basketball player received a "raspberry" as the worst supporting actor for the film "Colony". And together with Jean-Claude Van Damme, he received an anti-narada in the “worst acting duet” category.

2003 - Britney Spears

The American singer received an anti-award as worst actress for the film “Crossroads.”

Britney shared this award with another singer, whose achievements we will talk about separately at the very end.

2021 - Rudolph Giuliani

The American politician (former mayor of New York) received a “raspberry” as worst supporting actor for the film “Borat 2.”

2002 - Mariah Carey

The American singer received a “raspberry” as the worst actress for the film “Glitter”.

Bonus: Madonna

The American singer has quite a lot of hairextensive filmography (including 10 leading roles), so she can be considered a full-fledged actress, despite the fact that she stopped acting more than 20 years ago.

Madonna is the Golden Raspberry record holder among women. She has 9 wins and 7 nominations: five wins in the “worst actress” category, two in the “worst supporting actress” category, one in the “worst screen couple” category, and Madonna also received a special award “Worst Actress of the Century”.

2023 - “Golden Raspberry” itself

This year, the organizers of the anti-award presented the award in the “worst actress” category to themselves. They made this decision because of the public outcry caused by the nomination of 10-year-old Ryan Kira Armstrong, who played the main role in the new version of the horror film “Inflammable with a Look.” The daring anonymous jury of “Raspberry” in this case admitted their mistake and agreed with people that glorifying a ten-year-old child to the whole world as the worst actress is a bad idea.

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