Movie stars who received the Golden Raspberry in the category “worst acting duet” (11 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
11 October 2023

Yes, sometimes even experienced movie stars have setbacks that put them in the crosshairs of the Golden Raspberry anti-award. And it happens that this is not the fault of the actors themselves. As a rule, the failure of a film is primarily the fault of the director, who drags the entire team down. But at the same time, there are such failures in which absolutely everything is bad. In our new film post, we remember the actors who received the Golden Raspberry in the category “worst acting duet”. There was absolutely no “chemistry” between them.

1995 - any combination of two actors (or body parts)

In the movie "Showgirls".

Paul Verhoeven's misunderstood satire fits perfectly into the Golden Raspberry universe, winning 8 awards.

1998 - Leonardo DiCaprio and his “twin brother”

In the movie "The Man in the Iron Mask".

The actor played Louis XIV and his twin brother Philippe, who hid behind an iron mask for most of the film. “The two DiCaprios” appeared on camera only a few times, but the performance of “both” seemed unconvincing to the organizers of the anti-award.

The only anti-raspberry award in DiCaprio's career.

2000 - John Travolta and any other actor in the frame

In the movie "Battlefield: Earth".

In this shot, Forest Whitaker was unlucky enough to stand next to Travolta.

2001 - Tom Green and any animal

In the movie "Fuck You, Freddy."

Like Tommy Wiseau's The Room, this film became known primarily for how terrible it was. Its director, screenwriter and leading actor Tom Green is right in front of you. We did not include footage of animals from this film; you can find them yourself on the Internet (but it’s better not to).

2007 - Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan

In the movie "I Know Who Killed Me."

The actress played the main character and her double in one of the worst thrillers of the 2000s.

2013 - Jaden Smith and Will Smith on Planet Nepotism

In the film "After Earth".

Caring father Will Smith brought his son to Hollywood when he was a child and showed him what it was like to star in good films with The Pursuit of Happyness as an example. But when his son became a teenager, Smith Sr. taught him a life lesson: he brought him to director M. Night Shyamalan and showed him what it was like to act in a film that won three Golden Raspberries. Moreover, one of the awards “For Worst Actor” went to Jaden personally.

2014 - Kirk Cameron and his ego

In the movie Saving Christmas.

The film was based on a story by actor Kirk Cameron, who played himself in the film. In it, he (breaking the fourth wall) gives a religious lecture to other characters and the audience, reminding them that Christmas is not about shopping and partying, but about God. Who could not like this?

2017 - any two annoying emojis

In the cartoon "The Emoji Movie".

This is the only cartoon in history that received the Golden Raspberry as the worst film of the year.

2019 - any two half-human/half-cat hairballs

In the movie "Cats".

In 2020, visual effects specialists working on the film reported that they had to work under very tight deadlines, which was the reason for the appearance of the film’s characters, which were ridiculed from all sides, and which ended up in all the articles about the “uncanny valley” effect.

2021 - LeBron James and any cartoon from Warner

In the movie "Space Jam: The Next Generation."

The sequel to the 1996 film was widely panned in the West. LeBron, who replaced Michael Jordan in the sequel, was especially hard hit. One basketball star was clearly inferior to another in terms of acting skills. But the development of animation in 2021 did not save the film.

2022 - Tom Hanks and his latex face (and ridiculous accent)

In the movie "Elvis".

“Raspberry” also reached everyone’s favorite Tom Hanks. The film “Elvis” itself received 8 Oscar nominations (including for makeup and hairstyles), but Hanks’ work was only appreciated at the Berry Award.

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