14 extreme houses from around the world, life in which is a real challenge to your own courage (16 photos)

16 October 2023

Home is a place where we feel comfortable and safe. Is not it? However, some architects and builders have decided to challenge this statement by erecting buildings that challenge many human fears.

Looking at these houses, we can safely say that their authors have everything in order with imagination (and, probably, with humor). We invite you to look at the photos of these unusual architectural masterpieces and listen to your inner feelings. Scary?

House on the Drina River in Serbia

This amazing wooden house was built in 1968 by a group of local residents who periodically moved from one bank of the Drina River to the other. Their miracle construction has been washed away as many as 7 times over all these years. However, after 2011, the elements had mercy on the residents and stopped constantly destroying the house. Today it is the calling card of Serbia.

Chemosphere, California, USA

Meteora Monasteries - one of the most striking attractions in Greece

Temple on the Katskhi Pillar, Georgia

The limestone monolith reaches a height of 40 meters. Probably, climbing it is still a pleasure.

Takasugi-an tea house, Japan

The tea house is built on top of two chestnut trees. You can climb it only using separate ladders leaning against one of the trees. As you probably already understood, this architectural miracle is used exclusively for privacy while drinking tea.

Xuankun-si Temple Complex, China

Hub Island, USA

Back in the 1950s, the American Sizeland family purchased a rather controversial plot of land to build their dream home. There is a very small area around the building that is completely flooded at high tide. It is difficult to say whether this is a suitable place for a happy life.

Lichtenstein, Germany

Everything looks pretty nice if you don't look down.

Shadowcliff, USA

The house, of course, is not for those who are afraid of heights. Although, perhaps, the picturesque view of the sea compensates for everything.

Wozoco House in Amsterdam

These blocks seem to be securely attached to the building. But would you agree that standing under or next to them is still scary?

Phoenix House, Hawaii

Created by designer Will Beilhartz, this tiny guest house sits on a lava field. It offers views of the clouds of steam that form where molten rock flows into the sea. In the photo you can see frozen lava, which once came almost close to the house.

Buffa di Perrero, Italy. A house that is located right inside a high cliff

It is believed that this house was built more than 100 years ago.

Frying Pan Tower is a former US Coast Guard station. Later it was turned into a hotel for thrill-seekers

Houses of the Karawai tribe, Papua New Guinea

Members of the tribe do not live in ordinary houses, but in real “birdhouses.” Dwellings are built on the tops of trees. The Karavais believe that only in this way will they not be threatened by evil spirits.

Would you like to live in these unusual houses?

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