Children should not learn about this “Sleeping Beauty” (8 photos)

Category: Stories, PEGI 16
11 October 2023

It is known that most famous storytellers did not invent their works themselves, but cleverly retold and adapted them. Well, why invent something if everything has already been written a long time ago? This is what happened with Sleeping Beauty.

In 1634, the fairy tale “The Sun, the Moon and Thalia” was published in the collection “Pentameron”. The collection was authored by the Italian poet Giambattista Basile. He was something like the Charles Perrault of that time. Basile collected a huge number of stories and retold them with talent.

Giambattista Basele

The original version of the tale was this: when a powerful lord had a daughter, he gathered his smartest loyal subjects to predict the future of the beautiful princess. The astrologers gathered and unanimously said: the princess will die from flaxseed. The categorical lord immediately orders everything related to flax to be removed from the kingdom.

Princess Thalia grew up and one day, while walking, she came across an old woman who was spinning in her house. The girl decided to help and accidentally put a flax seed under her nail. Talia collapsed dead and the father, stunned by grief, dressed his daughter in all her most beautiful clothes, sat her in a chair and left the palace forever.

As usual, many, many years passed and one day another king, passing by, looked into the abandoned castle. The thing was that his hunting falcon flew inside and he first had to knock on the door for a long time, and then climb the walls to get into the window.

In general, the plot so far differs little from the world-famous version of Charles Perrault. Well, maybe the prince was replaced with a king. But then some kind of horror began to unfold.

The king wandered around the castle, trampling his paths in the dust, until he came across the light of the deceased Thalia, who continued to sit in her beautiful outfit. The king was unable to wake her up and decided to take advantage of the moment. No, no, we are not talking about a sublime saving kiss, but about the real rape of a sleeping girl. After which the king got up, buttoned up his pants and drove home, forgetting about his “romance” (that’s how they write “romance” right in the fairy tale).

Sleeping Thalia became pregnant. She also gave birth in a dream, and the fairies took care of the twins who were born, just as they had previously taken care of the princess herself. Where they were while the king was having fun with her - history is silent.

One day the fairies brought the babies to their mother to feed them. One baby accidentally confused Thalia's breast with her finger and sucked a seed from under her nail. Talia immediately wakes up and if you forget for a second that this is a fairy tale, then you can only imagine her reaction to the fact that she is lying in the dust, alone, she already has two babies and, in general, where is dad?

And the king, meanwhile, after a short time, missed coitus with sedentary women and decided to visit Thalia’s castle again. There, a surprise awaited him in the form of a fully functioning Talia, and even with two babies, whom she named the Sun and the Moon, because she could not understand how this happened to her. The king hastened to enlighten Thalia about how it all happened and at the same time confessed his love to her. The unspoiled girl somehow ignored the fact of abuse of her and was imbued with reciprocal feelings for the father of her illegitimate children. And this is where it should sound like “they lived happily ever after,” but here’s the catch - the king is married. And his wife had already begun to suspect something was wrong, because her hubby had a weakness for chattering in his sleep. One night he blurted out the name of Thalia and her (their) children.

The queen took the servant into her turn and he told about everything. The angry queen sent her cook to the castle to kidnap the babies and finish them off. Why a cook? But because deceived women are terrible in anger: she ordered Thalia’s children to be boiled, prepared a dish from them and served to her husband for lunch. She planned to burn the king’s mistress at the stake. It’s trivial, of course, it seems that all the imagination has gone to the children.

Thalia, stunned by this change of events, tried to explain to her that, in fact, she was a victim of violence here and that she was unconscious when the king violated her, but the queendidn't care. Indeed, there is no point in lounging in castles where decent kings walk.

What happens next is a strangely erotic moment: Thalia asked to be allowed to be completely naked before climbing onto the fire. Exactly at this very moment, the king flew into the courtyard, assessed the situation, and instead of Thalia, the queen and the servant went into the fire, chatting about his adventures. A very healthy and balanced family.

The cook, by the way, was lucky: he was the only normal one there and instead of making a roast out of the babies, he hid them from the angry queen. For which he received all sorts of awards and was even appointed chamberlain.

The king married Talia until she finally came to her senses after all the adventures and they lived happily ever after.

A wonderful fairy tale, don’t you think? Just what a baby needs for the night.

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