russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for Semtember 25-28

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
29 September 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Tucker Carlson told the Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche that he tried to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the US authorities forbade him to do so.

- Sources of the Military Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR) about the attack of Ukrainian forces on the Kursk Vostochny airport (Kursk-Khalino) yesterday:

The strike hit the building where the leadership of the 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment was located.

List of wounded and killed:

- commander of the 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment.

- one of his deputies

- group of aviator officers

- representative of the FSB military counterintelligence

- airport employees

- New York Times:

On Saturday, the first batch of Abrams tanks was delivered to Ukraine.

- Prime Minister of Hungary Orban:

Hungary will not support Ukraine’s position at any international forum until Kyiv returns the rights to the Transcarpathian Hungarians.

- A Russian FPV drone crashed while it was trying to carry 3 RPG grenades at once.

- Prime Minister of Hungary Orban:

At the moment, nothing threatens the security of Sweden, and therefore Hungary has no reason to rush into the process of admitting Sweden to NATO.

Orban everywhere stick insert

-Ukrainian truth:

The White House sent a letter to the Ukrainian authorities with a list of reforms that Ukraine must carry out so that the United States continues to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

They relate to the functioning of supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises, anti-corruption bodies (SAP, NABU, NAPC), the High Council of Justice, the Ministry of Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine and all law enforcement agencies.

The document specifies changes depending on the order of their implementation: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, one year, 18 months.

- Ukrainian official Danilov said that Ukraine will not use ATACMS missiles on Russian territory.

"We will not use them on Russian territory, we have agreements on this issue with our partners."

- Messenger:

The White House is considering the possibility of transferring up to 30 additional M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

- Medvedev says that NATO has turned into "an openly fascist bloc, similar to Hitler's axis."

«Russia has fewer and fewer options other than direct conflict with NATO. We are ready, although the result will be achieved at a much greater cost to humanity than in 1945.”

- Satellite image of the Russian military base destroyed on September 25 in the occupied Krasnodon (Sorokino) Lugansk region

- The Bulgarian parliament approved a bill on the free transfer of disabled S-300 air defense systems to Ukraine.

Sofia was unable to repair these missiles, but Ukraine noted its readiness to take them into service.

- Missiles at the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol helped bring growthSiysk officers due to “lack of money.”

- Almost 3 billion UAH will be spent on roads in the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration – Our Money project.

And this despite the fact that last week the head of the Regional State Administration Lysak signed an order in which he asks local communities to “reset” for the terrorist defense program and mobilization. In total, UAH 236 million is missing.

There is money for roads, but not for the army?

- The nuclear threat has again reached the level of the Cold War, – UN Secretary General

«The only way to eliminate the nuclear danger – eliminate nuclear weapons."

- Bavovna in the area of the Chkalovsky military airfield in Shchelkovo near Moscow.

On it, saboteurs recently burned down two planes and a helicopter.

Fingers crossed

- The Guardian:

Iranian kamikaze UAVs used in recent attacks on Ukrainian cities are equipped with European components, according to a secret document sent by Kiev to its Western allies.

In a 47-page document presented by the government of Ukraine to the governments of the G7 countries, in August, it is alleged that in the previous three months there had been more than 600 raids on cities using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) containing Western technology.

According to the document, 52 electrical components from Western companies were found in the Shahed-131 drone, and in the Shahed-136 model — 57, whose flight range is 2000 km (1240 miles), and cruising speed — 180 km/h (111 mph).

Five European companies, including the Polish branch of a British multinational corporation, have been named as the original manufacturers of the identified components.

“Among the manufacturers there are companies headquartered in countries of the sanctions coalition: the USA, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Japan and Poland,” — is stated in it.

Ukraine has invited its allies to launch missile strikes on Iranian factories for the production of Shahed UAVs.

Among the proposals on the actions of Ukraine's Western allies – which they will probably refuse – are “missile attacks on factories producing these UAVs in Iran, Syria, as well as a potential production site in the Russian Federation.”

According to the document, Iran has already diversified its production by using a Syrian plant with delivery to the Russian port of Novorossiysk, but drone production is moving to Russia, to the central Terter region of Alabuga, although Tehran continues to supply components. .

The document states:

“The above can be carried out by the Ukrainian defense forces if the partners provide the necessary means of destruction.”

- War Thunder leaked secret military documents AGAIN for the third time in a month. This time it is an AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter.

User BarteG98PL posted a “completely unclassified” message on the War Thunder forums. technical manual for Apache Longbow.

War Thunder players are increasingly testing the waters on what “restricted information” means and publishing “unclassified” information. documents that still have some serious caveats.

In the case of the Eurofighter Typhoon DA7, the documents were readily available to most consumers, but were embargoed by non-NATO countries. The F-117 Nighthawk was a similar case: the documents were obtained legally, but their use was limited under certain circumstances.

However, the case for the AH-64D Apache Longbow is a little more compelling, as the leaked document allegedly contained a large warning "DOD ONLY AND DOD CONTRACTORS ONLY."

- Russian authorities in Bashkortostan photoshopped a dead Russian soldier at an award ceremony.

Artur Sultangaliev from the city of Yanaul fought against Ukraine and was seriously wounded in January.

Some time later, Sultangaliev died in the hospital, but the district administration reported this only on September 25.

Shortly before this, on July 18, the same administration pompously announced the awarding of Sultangaliev, publishing a photo in Photoshop.

- WSJ: Germany has suspended the supply of long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine

Germany refrains from sending high-precision long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine over fears that they will need German specialists to work on the ground, which some officials fear could push Berlin into direct confrontation with Russia.

German officials said Germany's three-party coalition government had approved the delivery of the Taurus in principle, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz had suspended the move over concerns that German personnel would have to travel to Ukraine to help maintain and operate the sophisticated weapon.

According to officials, Scholz believes that a parliamentary vote will be required to move military personnel to the combat zone. He is also concerned that such a move could drag Germany deeper into the conflict, which could lead to direct confrontation with Russia.

- Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov:

The Armenian leadership must remember the unenviable fate of countries that relied on the United States.

Russia's interests in Transcaucasia cannot be ignored historically and geopolitically.

There are many in the Armenian leadership who want to lose Russia and gain new friends.

- The United States and Ukraine agreed to work together under the control of the Pentagon to identify and prevent corruption crimes related to the supply of American weapons to Ukraine.

The corresponding memorandum was signed by representatives of the US Department of Defense and NABU.

According to NABU, from October 18, Pentagon Inspector General Robert Storch will monitor the flow of aid that Washington sends to Kiev and will cooperate with supervisory authorities of the US Agency for International Development and the US State Department.

- Institute for the Study of War (ISW):

Iran may soon conclude an agreement with the Russian Federation on the transfer of missiles.

UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which prohibits Iran from supplying ballistic missiles to other countries, expires on October 18.

Russia intends to purchase Iranian Fateh-110 ballistic missiles and “Zolfagar”, the range of which is 300 kilometers or more.

- Politico:

The US State Department and the Pentagon have disagreements regarding arms supplies to Ukraine.

The State Department believes that deliveries need to be accelerated and intensified, but the Pentagon is taking a “more cautious position.”

-NATO will send two AWACS aircraft to Lithuania to “monitor Russian military actions near the alliance’s borders.”

The first of two planes will arrive on Thursday (September 28, 2023)

- The Kremlin calls Armenia’s decision to ratify the Rome Statute “extremely hostile” in relation to the Russian Federation.

Russia does not welcome Armenia's intention to join the Rome Statute.

- President of Kazakhstan Tokayev:

Kazakhstan will comply with the sanctions regime against Russia.

Kazakhstan has no concerns about territorial claims from Russia.

- Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Armenia's ratification of the Rome Statute will have the most negative consequences for bilateral relations.

Russia hopes that there will be forces in the National Assembly of Armenia that will not stamp a toxic solution in accordance with the Rome Statute.

- How much military assistance has the United States provided to Ukraine since the beginning of a full-scale war?

Its total volume has already exceeded $43 billion. On the infographic – how this assistance was increased.

- Expanding the geography of insanity: Russia has put the leadership of the court in The Hague on the wanted list.

We exceeded the plan for Ukrainians 🫣 and began to make the world happy.

If the Hague order obliges 123 countries to comply, then everyone is already laughing at the decisions of the Basmanny court, especially famous Ukrainians: Zaluzhny, Budanov, Filatov, Chernyak, who were convicted in the Russian Federation for helping Ukraine

- A SBU drone de-energized a power plant in the Kursk region – mass media

As a result, seven settlements were left without electricity. “The Russians must understand - if they are going to continue to attack Ukrainian energy facilities, they will receive a tough response to this,” – clarifies a source from the law enforcement agency

- "Excellent" advertising in Tambov

We don’t abandon our own

- The Russians are brilliant in everything they say, too

- According to a long-standing Soviet tradition...

- DPR, LPR - get ready

- The crisis even affected the “protesters”

- A resident of Perm who put his girlfriend through a meat grinder returned from the war in Ukraine and became a “hero of the Northern Military District.”

In 2018, former military man Dmitry Zelensky from the city of Gubakha, Perm Territory, brutally killed his girlfriend. The monster first dismembered the 27-year-old girl and then put her through a meat grinder.

In 2019, Dmitry was sentenced to 11 years, but he was released much earlier — went to war.

The killer was pardoned and released. Now he is a “hero”.

- Russia today. Artist Eiko Ojala (Estonia)

- Such news will come soon, but I decided to post it earlier)

- For some reason, everyone began to forget that Armenia sent troops to Kazakhstan to suppress popular unrest. So Armenia is an ordinary satellite of Putin’s Russia

- Depressed "Ivan"

- Memes for today

- Bashkir officials very crookedly photoshopped the awarding of a dead occupier

Bashkir serviceman Artur Sultangaliev died the day before yesterday. Before that, he was seriously wounded — and in order to have time to give positive news (and not immediately an obituary), the regional military registration and enlistment office photoshopped a picture of the award and released news about it, sent to local newspapers and press releases of the administration

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