Unusual cache of a noble robber (10 photos)

26 September 2023

What unites the leaf and the robber? They can be perfectly hidden in the forest.

The legend of the noble robber Robin Hood, who robbed rich and helping the poor, does not lose relevance today. This A great many works of various genres are dedicated to the character. A also monuments, the most interesting of which - living - is located in Sherwood Forest, in the English county of Nottinghamshire.

In reality, the forest is not quite a forest in the classical understanding. This is more of a forested area that tourists love to visit and role players from different countries. And it is not only history that draws them here, but also the opportunity to touch her.

There is an oak tree in Sherwood, the age of which, according to various sources, varies from 800 to 1100 years. According to legend, this is exactly what tree "the hooded robber" along with his gang of "Merry Sherwood robbers" were taken to a secret headquarters.

Locals consider the oak a miracle. This is understandable, because in addition to age, the ancient tree has reached an impressive crown span at the top parts - 28 meters. To hug an oak, you need to line up around the trunk a dozen people. The “baby” produces about 150 thousand acorns per year. If lay them all out one by one, you will get a line with a length of 3 kilometer

The Robin Hood Oak is unique. But in the sublunary world it does not happen nothing is eternal. And although access directly to it is relatively recently closed because lovers of useless souvenirs are slowly they started tearing it to pieces, and even put up special supports, The story of an unusual tree can end at any moment.

To prevent this from happening, one British company has started make cuts from the legendary tree to be able to replace the oak from Sherwood. It is also planned to sell oak trees to different countries, so that Robin Hood fans had the opportunity to touch the legend at home Houses.

In addition to the secret headquarters in Sherwood, there are others interesting places. In particular, an acoustic anomaly. Even if you utter a word in a low voice on its territory, it will be heard tens of meters away in the area. It is generally accepted that the robbers posted sentinels here, who in a moment of danger They immediately alerted their comrades so that they could quickly escape.

1 comment
Гость Денис
Гость Денис
30 September 2023
В Запоріжжі такий самий дуб, і возраст десь такий приблизно. І на жаль він теж вмирає.
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