10 places that became World Heritage Sites in 2023 (11 photos)

22 September 2023

World Heritage Sites are internationally recognized buildings and territories with unique cultural, historical and natural value. These places are protected and are the property of all humanity. In 2023, the list of World Heritage Sites included new places on our planet. In total, UNESCO added 41 sites - but we Let's look at some of the most interesting places from this list.

1. Tea forests on Jingmai Mountain, China

These tea plantations and villages located in China Mount Jingmai, appeared here thousands of years ago. Often in the mountains subtropical monsoons that bring a lot of precipitation - that’s why tea in these grows especially well in places. Local residents protect the plantations Jingmai organizes ceremonies and celebrations dedicated to nature. They They believe that spirits live in the local vegetation.

2. Tumuli Mounds, South Korea

These mounds are the ancient burial grounds of the Gaia confederation, which ruled in central and South Korea in the 1st-6th centuries AD. Forms mounds reflect the hierarchy of leaders - in those days they were "autonomous and politically equal, but at the same time with common cultural traditions."

3. Monuments made of “deer stone”, Mongolia

In the Late Bronze Age (1200-600 BC) these ancient megaliths called deer stones were used on ceremonies and funerals. These columns depicting various scenes - the most important buildings reflecting the culture of the nomads of Eurasia.

4. Stone structures in Menorca, Spain

Bronze Age stone structure on a Spanish island Menorca is reminiscent of the famous Stonehenge. It is believed that similar the structures were used for defensive purposes - however, their purpose not fully studied. The site may also have religious significance.

5. Gedeo Cultural Landscape, Ethiopia

These unusual statues are located in the heart of sacred forests along the eastern edge of the Main Ethiopian Rift. They are related to religious beliefs of the indigenous Gedeo community, which gave great importance to nature.

6. Kohker, Cambodia

Kohker - an ancient temple complex in the center of Cambodian jungle It includes temples and sanctuaries built from 928 to 944 ad. It is believed that this place was once briefly capital of the entire Khmer Empire.

7. Viking Age Fortresses, Denmark

These ring-shaped structures look like UFO messages, but in fact, these are Viking Age fortresses. Similar fortresses were built close to important land and sea routes.

8. Anticosti Island, Canada

The coastline of Anticosti Island is considered a "chronicle" the first mass extinction on Earth. Scientists have discovered many interesting ancient fossils that continue to be studied today. The extinction itself occurred 447 million years ago due to a sharp decline oxygen levels at a time when most creatures lived in the oceans.

9. Bale National Park, Ethiopia

Wide valleys, forests, and countless waterfalls - national Bale Park in Ethiopia has collected all the natural beauty. Because of the flows Lava and glaciation created a unique relief here hundreds of years ago. The park is rich in biodiversity and is home to five major rivers that provide water to millions of people in Ethiopia and beyond outside.

10. Evaporite karst and caves of the Northern Apennines, Italy

This unique place consists of more than 900 caves. It is believed to be the first and most studied evaporite karst in world. According to UNESCO, the complex includes some of the deepest world of gypsum pea hole whose depth reaches 265 meters.

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