How to get a big fine: a master class from a Chinese man who lit a cigarette from a banknote

Category: Tomfoolery, PEGI 16
21 September 2023

The Russian Chinese land will not be depleted of superintelligence!

Bloggers will do anything for content. This young Chinese man boastfully lit a cigarette from a 100 yuan note on camera. The video, of course, was posted on the Internet.

It is unknown what ultimately happened with the growth of TikToker’s popularity, but the police instantly identified the young man, talked to him and issued a hefty fine. As a result, the superintelligence will pay 10,000 yuan for deliberate damage to Chinese banknotes, and social rating is a completely different matter.

In China, any violation threatens to lower your trust rating. People who cheat may easily not be sold plane tickets or denied check-in at a hotel. Perhaps the incident with the fine will save some Chinese bloggers from rash actions, although most likely there will be those who will be ready to risk their social rating, career and even life for the sake of momentary fame.

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