Are the idols of Nuku Hiva personifications of gods or aliens? (9 photos)

19 September 2023

The Marquesas Islands are a volcanic archipelago belonging to French Polynesia and located in the South Pacific. The largest of them is the island with the romantic name Nuku Hiva, which translated as "Majestic".

The island itself is not particularly remarkable, there are many of them. And here it is “population” is another matter. There are unusual statues on Nuku Hiva, which, perhaps, has no analogues on the planet. No, normal there is also a population here - they live on the island permanently approximately 2 thousand people. This is a drop in the ocean compared to the 100 thousandth population of the island, which began to decline sharply after the arrival civilization represented by Europeans.

The study showed that the first settlers appeared here as early as 150 AD. One of the main occupations of the aborigines was pottery. The echoes of the island's art to this day make scientists are scratching their heads.

The fact is that local sculptures are very strange. They are not similar to people in the classical sense, more like primitive ones images of aliens - the way they appeared in old films and books.

But how did representatives of a primitive civilization learn about alien appearance? It is unlikely that the sculptors of Lost in the Ocean the islands were so imaginative. Gets people in person encountered these unusual creatures and considered them their gods, since they dedicated such a huge number of statues to them?

The period of creation of most of the statues is XI-XIV centuries. They are all in They are generally similar, but they also have individual characteristics. The natives say that each stone god is responsible for his own area - war, agriculture, good luck, etc.

And although the opinions of different researchers regarding the origin stone idols diverge, in one thing they are similar - prototypes Aliens from other planets could really be performing.

In general, externally the statues are divided into two large groups - creatures similar to the currently popular reptilians and reminiscent of people with huge eyes, tiny body and thin limbs of the creature.

Scholars believe that idols of different types share common similarities. periods indicate that the masters personally saw the prototypes, whose images were recreated in stone.

Of course, these are just guesses and hypotheses. But it may well be that someone's inquisitive mind will someday be able to solve the riddle ancient statues of Nuku Hiva island.

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