No respect: drivers in Germany are tired of environmental activists and no longer rely on the police

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
13 September 2023

If previously environmental activists were treated patiently and with respect, now more and more often they receive blows.

Environmental activists are annoying German drivers. Climate activists are blocking roads, preventing planes from taking off, and behaving absolutely idiotically. At the same time, the German police are often in no hurry to restore order, and car drivers have to solve problems on their own.

More and more often on the roads of the country you can see such a picture. In desperation, motorists are cuffing the scattered idlers away.

And this attitude towards activists was started by a man who first tried to drag away the activists who were blocking the road, and then ran over them with his truck.

Of course, the company immediately fired the worker, and on social networks they raised money for the fur driver so that he could pay for the services of a lawyer. By the way, the truck driver was immediately offered a job by several other freight agencies because they understood how responsible he was about the business.

By the way, if these methods seem excessive, you can use comic options for getting rid of idiots on the road.

1 comment
13 September 2023
"Екоактивісти" роблять все, щоб люди перестали підтримувати будь-які нормальні заходи, спрямовані на збереження довкілля!
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