Mortal Kombat near the house

13 September 2023
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In the courtyard of a house in Sipailovo, Ufa, a taxi driver and his passenger started a fight.

On September 6, in the courtyard of a house on Gagarin Street in Ufa, an ordinary taxi ride turned into a brawl. The whole point is that the driver and his passenger started a fight. On the camera recording you can see a car moving around the yard. He stops at one of the entrances. Two men get out of the car and immediately start kicking each other. Then the fists are used - one of them attacks the enemy, who tries to defend himself.

From the impact, apparently, the drunk passenger falls onto a parked foreign car. The car alarm goes off. But this does not stop the heated showdown between men. The "boxers" continue to fight until one of them throws a left hook. This technique causes his opponent to fall to the ground.

Having caught his breath, the loser gets up from the sidewalk. Then the men, as if nothing had happened, get into the car. As residents of the house told the TV channel, the taxi passenger was diagnosed with a rib fracture.

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