Cobra bit snake charmer who tried to kiss her

4 August 2023
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In Indonesia, a venomous snake bit a snake charmer during a performance. The moment of the bite was captured by one of the eyewitnesses.

In the Indonesian province of Central Java, a 20-year-old snake charmer was stung by a cobra during a performance.

When the attack took place, the spellcaster Abdul Munir was filmed by one of the spectators. The footage shows how Munir approached the cobra and tried to kiss her. At that moment, the snake grabbed the owner's nose.

The man felt dizzy and fell to the ground. Residents of the village where the performance was held rushed him to a local clinic. The doctors gave the victim first aid and were going to send him to another hospital, but by that time the cobra venom had already hit Munir's vital organs. It was not possible to save him.

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