How the film "Titanic" was filmed: footage from the filming and interesting facts about the filming (24 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
7 September 2023

Titanic (1997), directed by James Cameron a real hit among viewers and critics, earning as many as 11 Oscars, which is still a record.

Moreover, for 12 years, the film ranked first in list of highest-grossing films, until it was moved in 2009 "Avatar" from the same James Cameron. And today I would like to tell you 16 interesting facts about the movie "Titanic" and also show you interesting shots from the filming of this masterpiece.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio can't draw, so when the hero draws a portrait of a naked Rose, in close-ups we see at all not his drawing hand, but the hand of the director himself - James Cameron.

Yes, the director of "Titanic" can draw very well, exactly so he himself decided to paint a portrait of Rose. One, James Cameron is left-handed, while DiCaprio is right-handed. But the director took into account this moment, so I just mirrored the frame.

2. Actors who took part in water shoots wore wetsuits under clothes, so as not to get hypothermia, because the water temperature was less than 10 degrees. But Kate Winslet wanted immerse yourself in the role as much as possible, so I refused a wetsuit. IN As a result, the actress fell ill with pneumonia.

3. Filming took too long, so Cameron I wanted to shoot all the scenes as quickly as possible. The participants of the filming even it was said that the director threatened to fire anyone who came out of the water, to go to the toilet.

4. Cameron didn't want songs in his film, wanting limited to background music. But when the composer James Horner showed him the song he created "My heart will go on" in performed by Canadian singer Celine Dion, Cameron simply could not resist.

5. After meeting a researcher who for the first time discovered the wreckage of the Titanic, James Cameron decided to take off his Oscar-winning film. The director wanted to thoroughly study the ship in order to you can accurately reproduce all this on the screen. So he personally decided dive under water, and not just once, but as many as 12 times.

6. Those very elderly passengers who met death in hugging, lying in bed, were written off from a real elderly couple - Isis and Idor Strauss. For this couple, places were prepared in the rescue boat, but Idor refused to get into it, because he did not want to borrow a place where women and children could be put.

Isis decided to support her husband and they stayed together for Titanic. They were last seen lying on sun loungers, holding by the hand. Very romantic and tragic, but the act of this elderly couple just heroic.

7. As you know, Cameron wanted to show everything as accurately as possible As for the Titanic. Even the boy who plays with the top deck, was present in the frame for a reason. So the director wanted to recreate a real shot taken on the Titanic.

By the way, the boy himself escaped with his father, though some time later, the father died. The reason was an accident.

8. Remember the scene where Rose spits in Cal's face? This spit in the face was not in the script. Kate Winslet was just improvising. But the director liked this move so much that he decided to insert the scene into movie.

9. The scene with the flooding of the main staircase looked very effectively. Cameron was very worried about this scene, as the film crew had only one attempt to shoot this very scene. Fortunately, everything worked out on the first take.

10. I had to save money on many things, but the director I decided that in order to create authenticity, the food in the frame should be real. Therefore, in the dinner scene in the restaurant, we can see real caviar beluga.

11. Despite the fact that Cameron tried to be as accurate as possible reproduce various historical moments, in the film you can meet a lot of inaccuracies.

For example, Jack couldn't promise Rose to take her to the park. attractions in Santa Monica, as it was opened only in 1916. And in In 1912, only sewage was merged in that place.

Another example. Jack tells Rose how he fished with his father fish in Lake Wissota, Wisconsin. That's just the lake was formed only after the construction of the dam in 1917, that is, 5 years after sinking of the Titanic.

And of course, one cannot help but recall Officer William Murdoch, who was bribed by Cal and who accidentally killed two people. Officer Murdoch is a real hero who did everything to save passengers. There is no evidence that he took a bribe, and even more so they did not didn't kill.

And of course, Murdoch himself did not commit suicide. He died already in the water after the ship went under water. For creating such image of a heroic officer, the producers had to apologize to descendants of Murdoch.

You can read more about the historical inaccuracies in the movie "Titanic" in my separate article.

12. After filming the movie "Titanic" James Cameron learned about that among the passengers of the liner was the real J. Dawson, who died during the crash.

13. For the first time in the history of the Oscars, there were two nominees. actresses who played the same character in the same film. Specifically, Oscar nominees for Kate Winslet (young Rose) and Gloria Stuart (Rose in old age).

14. Gloria Stewart's Old Rose arrived at research vessel with her pet - Pomeranian. James Cameron deliberately introduced a dog of this particular breed, since after Two Pomeranians and one Pekingese survived the sinking of the Titanic.

15. Robert De Niro could have played a ship's captain, but he didn't. was able to take part in the filming due to an intestinal infection that struck him.

16. The romantic historical film Titanic was new. for James Cameron, since before that he only shot science fiction and militants.

17. Wax was used to create the effect of icing on the hair of the main characters towards the end of the film.

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