30 sailors and one Japanese woman: the sad story of one survival (9 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
4 September 2023

In 1953, the film "The Saga of Anatakhan" was released. recounting the misadventures of a dozen men stranded on an island where Only one married couple lived. The film is based on real and very frightening events that clearly demonstrate what they can lead to rivalry and lack of choice.

Anatahan is a small Pacific island that refers to the Mariana Islands. The owners of a piece of sushi repeatedly changed until, as a result, these 34 square kilometers were in property of Japan.


Practical Asians have established coconut plantations here, to look after the work on which Kikuichiro Higa was sent. Official made deputy of his relative Shoichi Higa, who, together with his wife lived on the island.

When the Second World War began, the workers left the island. Khiga, who was worried about the fate of his sister, who lived in the neighboring island. He promised Kazuko, his wife, that he would be back soon. But so did not appear on Anatahan.

Life on the island

Kazuko Higa

A couple of years later, a young woman and Kikuichiro had a novel. Which is not surprising, because they were the only people on the island. The life of the couple flowed quietly and peacefully, until in 1944 on Anatakhan they people appeared.

In the summer of 1944, 30 Japanese sailors and soldiers who suffered crash after the bombing, got ashore and tried to establish life in changed conditions.

Everything went relatively smoothly. The men grew vegetables hunted animals, even pampered themselves with coconut wine. Through half a year dragged the remains of a crashed American bomber and used them to make kitchen utensils, shelters and clothing.

The beginning, development and peak of the conflict

Kazuko Higa

War is over. But the news in this godforsaken corner no one was in a hurry to deliver. And the atmosphere began to heat up. Which is logical because surrounded by three dozen men suffering from the lack of female attention, was only Kazuko.

One of the sailors began to show signs of attention to the woman. Ta not began to resist. And the new suitor Gensaburo Yoshino dealt with woman's husband, shot him.

But soon he himself went to another world, because at the same time, the woman was having an affair with another of the guys, who killed a naive lover.

Kazuko took over as head of the island that belonged to her. to her late husband, and became the object of close attention of sailors. AND lust, too, since she was really desired, although not shone with beauty.

Deadly Queen

The only officer, Captain Isis, tried to warn further conflict and protect their people. And suggested to the head of the island marry Riichiro Yanagibashi. The guy was the most temperamental and conflict, and in this way the officer wanted to exclude further disassembly between men.

A few days after the impromptu wedding The newlywed newlywed drowned under strange circumstances. A bee the queen, as the unwitting inhabitants of the island called the Japanese woman, became an object universal desire. In total, in the struggle for the hand and heart (and, more precisely, the body) of a woman, 11 people died. In 1950, the remaining residents came to the conclusion that something had to be done about it. Because because of Kazuko they will gradually kill each other.

The only reasonable way out is to eliminate the queen herself. The woman accidentally overheard the plans of the conspirators, fled to a remote end of the island and was able to send a radio signal to the American ship, which and took Kazuko from Anatahan. According to another version, the Japanese became the savior, who worked for the States, who moored ashore on a boat and took a woman.

Returning to the big world, the recluse became a star. And long time traveled around the country, telling her amazing story.

Turns of fate

The Japanese surrender

If such an ending did not exist in reality, then it definitely worth thinking about. After all, when after his tour celebrity returned to her home in Okinawa, then met there ... her Shoichi's first husband. couple inreunited again. Japanese for a while capitalized on her popularity. But gradually interest in her faded, and to Everyone forgot about her in the 70s.

Despite the rain of leaflets that covered the island American planes, the Japanese refused to believe in end of the war. The last argument was letters from relatives, after which the sailors surrendered and left the island. Now Anatakhan is uninhabited.

And they periodically continue to return to the history of past years representatives of different areas of art. Some see Kazuko as black a widow who was aware of her impunity and easily manipulated human lives, and others - the unfortunate victim and a hostage of the situation who was just trying to survive. How was it really In fact, it is no longer possible to recognize the prescription of years.

Film frame

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