A selection of the most unusual soups (11 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
4 September 2023

Many people did not like to eat soups in their childhood. As a rule, already As an adult, everything changes dramatically. What could be better chicken soup with vermicelli? And there is also kharcho, borscht, bean soup, and maybe with peas or buckwheat ... mmm ... in general, the kitchen is full of different soups that warm not only the body, but also the soul. In other countries They also love first courses. True, for us such recipes can show real bullshit! To be honest, it is worth noting that the locals I'm sure they don't like them either. So let's take a look at the most amazing soups!

Chocolate ramen (Japan)

This is a traditional Asian dish consisting of wheat noodles, broth and various ingredients. Not so long ago in Japan they began to serve ramen with the addition of pieces of milk chocolate. Sweetness can completely dissolve and dip in the resulting mixture of noodles.

Beer soup (Germany)

This is a tasty and satisfying dish that is prepared not on water or broth, but on real beer. Cheese gives richness to the soup, which must be included in it.

Lotus soup (China)

Traditional Chinese soup cooked in a clay pot Shago. In addition to the lotus, pork ribs, nuts and bright colors are added to the dish. spices.

Bird nest soup (China)

This soup is an expensive delicacy in China, Vietnam and Malaysia. For its preparation, real nests of swallows are used. (pre-soaked in water), chicken broth, ginger infusion and rice vodka.

Stone Soup (Portugal)

Thick, hearty and rich Portuguese bean soup, in which be sure to add a small beautiful pebble. Special taste dish he does not give. However, if it comes across to you in a plate, then in happy events await you in the near future.

Soup Shirako (Japan)

Shirako soup is designed for lovers of the exotic. It is made from fish milk. Served mainly in winter.

Blood soup (China, Philippines, Vietnam and other countries)

Blood soup is another rather strange soup, the main whose ingredient is the blood of animals. It is prepared in a very many countries of the world.

Soup Kiburu (Africa)

This soup is a traditional dish of the Chagga tribe living in foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is made from sweet bananas, beans and earth. All ingredients are mixed together, after which the resulting mixture served to the table. Local residents claim that such an unusual the component gives the soup saltiness and a pleasant earthy aftertaste.

Scorpion soup (China)

A traditional Chinese dish that can be prepared only by an experienced chef. Before preparing the soup, he must extract poison from a scorpion, which is dangerous to health and human life.

Purple red cabbage soup (Western Europe)

Vegetarian soup, which is primarily interesting for its rich purple color.

Fruit sweet soup (Poland)

This is a sweet summer dish made from various fruits and berries. As a rule, it is served cold with a tablespoon of sour cream.

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