A selection of creepy medical devices from the past (19 photos)

29 August 2023

Many people are afraid to go to hospitals and clinics. Atmosphere It's tense, to put it mildly. And when the doctor takes out all sorts of medical devices and says "don't be scared", that's when panic starts. Although everything is known in comparison. Physicians of the past used much more terrible tools. Thank you god for technical progress.

Dental syringe, 1905

Dental syringe, 1905

Inro boxes used to transport medicine during the Edo period, 1603-1867

Medieval first aid kit containing 126 medicine bottles, 1560s

Pneumothorax apparatus for injecting gas into the chest cavity in order to collapse the lung, 1901-1930

It was a widely used device for the treatment of tuberculosis before the discovery of effective antibiotics.

Ear tube for audiometry

A rare device designed to test bone conduction.

Brass syringe with case, 1601-1630

Metal piston enema with container and interchangeable tips, 19th century

Bloodletting lancet, 1850

Mallam's scarifier, 1874

The tool was used for vaccination against smallpox.

Folding delivery chair, 1701-1830

The image of Christ is painted on the back of a chair above the place where the woman's head should have been.

Bullet extractor, 1500

Trepanation instrument, 1701-1800

Nose correction device

European amputation saw, 1575

Carbolic steam atomizer

The device was used to disinfect tissues during surgery.

Urological pump

Galvanic apparatus, 1865

A medical electrostatic machine that was used to treat a wide variety of ailments.

Dynamometer, 1751-1823

The instrument was used to assess human muscle strength and determining the clinical progression of neuromuscular weakness.

Curved trocar, 1880

It is a surgical instrument with a pointed end, which used to penetrate into the body cavities of the human body with maintaining their integrity. Today, trocars are used in medicine modern type.

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