Inadequate man beat two girls with a heavy stick

28 August 2023
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It happened near the parking lot at the store. The guy stuck to the young ladies with a desire to get acquainted. However, after the refusal, he attacked them with sticks.

The girls did not believe until the last that he would start beating them. One of the victims lost consciousness. After she fell to the pavement, the man began to beat her mercilessly, striking her in the head, among other things.

According to the police, on August 21, the inter-municipal police department "Roslavl" received a statement from a local resident born in 2001 about inflicting bodily harm on her.

“It was preliminary established that she and her friend were sitting at a bus stop at about five in the morning, a man was walking, a conflict occurred between them. As a result of the conflict, a man born in 1988 caused her bodily injuries. the results of which will become clear the severity of the injuries inflicted on the girl," the agency's interlocutor said.

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