Stuck in the back and fled: a bus passenger was stabbed in Volgograd

21 June 2023
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In Volgograd the day before, an angry man attacked a 57-year-old bus passenger. The fight, and then the stabbing, was caught on video at a bus stop in the Voroshilovsky district.

The men began to fight at the moment when both got on the bus, judging by the video, the Volgograd residents did not share a place in the transport. A few seconds after the men were inside the bus, the doors opened again: a ball of fighting fell out onto the asphalt.

A 57-year-old man beat his opponent with his fist, and then a Volgograd man knocked to the ground with a huge sports bag pulled out a knife from somewhere. Young men immediately ran to help the men, astonished women stood nearby, watching what was happening.

After the impact, the man took the bag left in the transport and simply left the scene. The police are now trying to find the man.

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