On the beach in Tuapse, a jealous man tried to stab his beloved

28 August 2023
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The boyfriend stabbed the girl 15 times, jealous of another vacationer.

The bloody drama played out on August 25 in the village of Sosnovoye, Tuapse district. In front of numerous vacationers, the man attacked the girl and stabbed her at least 15 times.

Vacationers came to the aid of the unfortunate. One of the tourists, running out of the water, with the help of a sun lounger, drove the attacker away from the victim.

"Othello" tried to escape, but he was detained. It turned out that the attacker was a 25-year-old local resident who was jealous of his acquaintance for a tourist. The woman came to rest from Salekhard, met with a Tuapse. They began a holiday romance. On August 25, a couple came to the beach to relax, and the young man was jealous of his companion. Instead of talking to the woman and discussing the relationship, the jealous man grabbed the knife.

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