The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine refutes the version of the Russian Federation, where Russian Su-30s destroyed a high-speed military boat of Ukrainian forces

24 August 2023
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The Ukrainian Defense Ministry refutes Russia's claims that Russian Su-30s destroyed a U.S.-made high-speed military boat of the Ukrainian forces "Willard" in the east of Snake Island.

Instead, Ukraine claims that a Russian missile fell into the water while trying to hit the boat.

The crew then fired a missile at the Russian Su-30. The Russian plane was reportedly damaged.

He was forced to immediately leave the area and fly in the direction of the nearest airfield.

On the second video

A Russian Su-30 is trying to hit a U.S.-made U.S.-made Willard fast military boat of the Ukrainian forces in the east of Snake Island.

On the third video

The Ukrainian crew fired from MANPADS at the Russian Su-30, which was trying to hit the high-speed military boat of Ukrainian production Willard Sea Force in the east of Zmeiny Island.

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