15 Images Proving That Some People's Trash Can Be Treasure For Someone (16 Photos)

22 August 2023

Thrift stores and flea markets are real treasures old and wonderful things. And many people love to look for all sorts of interesting items for next to nothing, which for one reason or another are not needed by the owners. In this post you will see interesting finds from sales, and not only shared by happy owners.

1. I can’t imagine who refused such a guitar

2. This machine works great

3. Yesterday I came across this beauty. My boyfriend just wanted to buy a video game chair!

4. I didn't think you could find this at a flea market.


6. We immediately bought this masterpiece

7. These wonderful vases I bought in a thrift store

8. We made our kitchen countertop out of scrap lumber from a flooring store.

9. Isn't it lovely?

10. I got beautiful retro suitcases

11. We could not pass by this chic sofa

12. I decided to buy this great wardrobe, its columns are made of real marble

13. I thought that someone was throwing away the old violin. No, it's a roulette wheel!

14. This is my dream! I can fix it

15. Last summer I found a cup of Chinese porcelain, and today I came across a suitable saucer in another city

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