What the occupying power in the Kherson region does not come up with so that they apply for Russian citizenship

12 August 2023
“Medical preparations purchased from the budget of the Russian Federation will not be issued to foreign citizens, that is, citizens of Ukraine. First of all, this applies to insulin”

The head of the village of Lazurny (Kherson region) said that the Russian authorities would not issue insulin to those who did not receive a Russian passport.

According to Alexander Dudka (the position in Russia is the head of the administration of the Lazurny village), he recorded a video in which he addressed the citizens of Ukraine, who did not begin to draw up Russian documents. He promised to limit their access to medicines and humanitarian aid, which is purchased from the budget.

Dudka also criticized parents whose children do not go to school after the Russian Federation took control of the region. “These parents will be brought to administrative responsibility, then to criminal responsibility, and then we will put them in buses and take them to the demarcation line. And we will send them to your Ukrainian schools, where you will study, my dear ones. You will learn your native language if you disdain the Russian language,” he said. According to Dudka, two languages are accepted in the region, Ukrainian can be used, but you need to respect the country that “accepted” and “ensures the safety” of people.
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