russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for August 10-11

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
12 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Minister of Defense of Poland:

Poland intends to deploy a total of 10,000 servicemen on the border with Belarus.


The junta of Niger has officially threatened to kill the ousted President of Niger if neighboring countries intervene in the country militarily.

The President of ECOWAS:

With regard to Niger, all options are being considered, including the use of force as a last resort.

ECOWAS Orders Deployment of "Reserve Force" for "restoring democracy in Niger."

Côte d'Ivoire President Alassane Ouattara Says Green Light Has Been Given to ECOWAS Reserve Forces to start military operations as soon as preparations and deployments are completed.

- President of Poland Andrzej Duda: (WaPo interview)

Ukraine probably lacks weapons to change the balance in the war.

In terms of quality, Ukraine today has a much more modern military potential than Russia.

- Four US citizens detained by Iran were transferred from Tehran's Evin prison to house arrest in a hotel in Iran. They will be released.

Agreement between the US and Iran will include the unfreezing of about 6 billion dollars of Iranian oil revenues.

- A huge hole was found on the landing ship of the Russian Navy of the type "Ropucha" "Olenegorsky Gornyak".

The ship is now in dry dock in Novorossiysk after the Ukrainian kamikaze attack.

- The United States and France declare that they support the ECOWAS decisions on Niger, France, in particular, declares that it supports the "everyone" decision.

- Reuters, citing sources in law enforcement agencies:

The German government is discussing with weapons companies the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine.

- The White House has requested $200 million from the US Congress to counter Wagner's presence in Africa.

- President of Poland Duda:

It's very simple.

Right now you can stop Russian imperialism cheaply because American soldiers don't die.

But if we do not stop Russian aggression now, we will have to pay a very high price.

- Ukrainian military train with American Abrams tanks.

- WaPo:

The first group of six Ukrainian pilots will complete their training on American F-16s no earlier than next summer.

The six pilots who complete the first stage of training make up half of the aviation squadron. Two pilots at the ready.

The long training period is due to the fact that pilots, despite being fluent in English, must complete a four-month English course "to learn jet terms."

Pilots will start training on fighter planes only in January, the preparation will take half a year.

The second group of Ukrainian pilots, according to the publication, will be trained only by the end of next year.

- A damaged Russian Tor-M1 air defense system after being hit by a Ukrainian HIMARS M30A1, filled with 182,000 preformed tungsten fragments.

- Zelensky:

We are dismissing all district military commissars.

This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery during war is treason.

- Representative of the Ukrainian Air Force Ignat:

The aim of the missile strike "Kinzhal" in the Ivano-Frankivsk region was the destruction of young Ukrainian pilots who will train on the F-16.

One of the missiles hit a private house. An 8 year old boy died.

- German Defense Minister Pistorius on why Germany does not supply Ukraine with the Taurus cruise missile:

We are not the only ones who do not give.

- Moscow police are currently patrolling with weapons to combat drones following a recent Ukrainian kamikaze UAV strike on Moscow.


The high military command of one of the ECOWAS member states predicts that it will take six months to prepare for any intervention in Niger.


In recent weeks, Iran has slowed down the pace of uranium enrichment.


Since spring, the US has been trying to get Egypt to start supplying weapons to Ukraine, but Cairo has not yielded to pressure.

- ZNPP was de-energized: the station is on the verge of another blackout, – Energoatom.

During the night it lost power on the main external transmission line (750 kV) and had to be switched to the only available backup line of 330 kV. Prolonged operation in this mode can lead to failure of the main equipment of the power unit.

- We will never see Putin and Zelensky at the same table – Kuleba.

He also added that negotiations on Russia are possible only if the aggressor country completely withdraws its troops from our territory. But this is possible with the mediation of a third party.

- Mandatory evacuation has been announced in the Kupyansky district of the Kharkiv region, – RVA.

Rashists have increased the number of attacks, and are also attacking in this direction.

- Deputies Gunka and Torokhtia expelled from the Servant of the People faction, – Arachamia.

“The political decision was made immediately. Legal issues took some time. Then let the law enforcement agencies work, no one will fence anyone.

- Unblocking ports for the export of all products will give Ukraine over $18 billion to wage war

Ukraine can get more than $18 billion a year if ports start working to export all types of products. This is a significant amount that we can spend on financing the Armed Forces of Ukraine and defense, because Western partners do not give us funds for the war, says Vladimir Golovko, head of the Center for Political Analysis.

According to him, the blocking of seaports drains the Ukrainian economy. And accordingly, it also hits the security sector, because the defense is financed by the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian business.

Golovko stressed that without the resumption of the full-fledged work of the ports, we will have problems with the approach of our victory, because the taxes collected in Ukraine are not enough. Now funds for defense are transferred from local budgets, but this cannot last forever – Ukraine needs business to work.

- Zelensky is looking for a replacement for Defense Minister Reznikov, – UP.

Already with two candidates there were conversations. First – this is the Vice Prime Minister for the restoration of the Kubrakovs, the second – Minister for Strategic Industries Kamyshin. Reznikov is allegedly not averse to becoming ambassador to the UK.

- Rashists attacked Zaporozhye.

Does it look like a military facility? Terrorists 🤬

Unfortunately, one person died, and it is also known about five victims.

A children's camp worked on the territory of a hotel in Zaporozhye, which was hit by a Russian missile.

Fortunately, the children were taken away before 18:00. Meanwhile, the Rashists dreamed of some mercenaries in the hotel

- Details of the sortie of our special forces in the Cossack Camps.

According to BILD, on the morning of August 8, Ukrainian special forces conducted a secret operation to hijack a Russian commander, landing in small boats on the left bank of the Dnieper.

Having captured the Russian position, the fighters imitated the call of Russian soldiers for help, using either the right, or even the mobile phone of one of the dead. Major Tomov of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (responsible for the border area), accompanied by 10 more military men, went to the place where our soldiers were already waiting for him.

Arriving at the place, Tomov's armored personnel carrier was ambushed. His fighters were killed or wounded, and the Russian officer himself was captured.

- APU faces a difficult task – overcome stationary defensive structures, do not expect quick results, – Retired US Army Lieutenant General.

“If the US Army did this, it would only carry out the task on condition of superiority in artillery and aviation. , and the Ukrainians do not have this advantage. So we unrealistically expect them to do something on the battlefield that American units wouldn't even try.

- 19% of people's deputies "evaporated" in order not to vote on the bill on minimizing oligarchic influence and resuming party reporting.

Total 77 people. The largest percentage of "missing" – in factions "EU" (48% ), «Motherland» (46%) and non-fractional (36%). The smallest – at the "Servant of the People" (10%), in the groups "Trust" (11%) and PZZHM (14%).

- 8-year-old Vova died today during an attack by rashists in Ivano-Frankivsk region on August 11

- We are not afraid of sanctions. © putin

Meanwhile, the ruble exchange rate against the dollar reached a three-digit mark:

- Arrival of the JDAM air bomb at the location of the Russian military in Urozhayne, Donetsk region

- In Krasnodar, medical college students are forced to subscribe to the pages of officials and pro-government TG channels

In official student chats, the leadership of KKMBK requires students to subscribe to pro-government telegram channels and public government officials.

«We are constantly being bullied, forced to subscribe to pro-government public pages, signatures are collected, and we are forced to send screenshots. Even during the summer holidays, they do not leave us alone and beat various consents out of us with a cane system,— told «Caution, news» students. — Everyone must send a tick that he has fulfilled the requirements. Those who don’t exile, they begin to rush him: “Guys, we are actively signing up, they are waiting for a report from us.”

At the same time, the head of the group immediately deletes the messages of the indignant.

- Opened the season already?

- Twine master - Lukashenka: "EU countries are our neighbors, and relations with them must not be lost"

- "Svetlana and Khristi were killed by a rocket, but we have nothing to do with it, we have to swim — it's summer!»— a plaque appeared in St. Petersburgka about the dead musicians in Zaporozhye as a result of a Russian missile attack

21-year-old Kristina Spitsyna and 18-year-old Svetlana Semeykina — musicians who died on August 9 as a result of a Russian missile attack on Zaporozhye. A man died with them.

On the evening of August 11, a small paper tablet appeared on Shevchenko Square in St. Petersburg. The authors of the tablet draw attention to the indifference of society to war and war crimes, as well as the unwillingness of people to notice what is happening.

The dead 21-year-old Kristina Spitsyna and 18-year-old Svetlana Semeykina were daughters of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Both girls were fond of music, and after the outbreak of the war, they created a small group and collected donations to help the front during their performances. One of these street concerts took place shortly before the missile attack. Leaving their friend to collect the equipment, the girls went to rest on the playground, where they were caught by a missile strike. 18-year-old Svetlana died on the spot, and 21-year-old Christina died in the hospital.

On August 11, friends were buried in their native Matveevka.

- For adherents of a failed counteroffensive

Actually, I convey greetings from the Zaporizhia Front.

- 51-year-old animal rights activist Alexander Bakhtin from Mytishchi received 6 years in prison and treatment from a psychiatrist for three posts in VK about the war. He wrote about the dead Ukrainian volunteers and the killed residents of Bucha

The Mytishchi city court sentenced 51-year-old animal rights activist Alexander Bakhtin to six years in a penal colony in the case of military fakes, OVD-Info reports.

Bakhtin was also prescribed compulsory outpatient treatment by a psychiatrist: the "experts" who conducted the forensic psychiatric examination considered that the activist, when writing these posts, "could not fully realize the actual nature and social danger of his acts and lead them,” SOTA reports.

Bakhtin was accused of "fake" about the Russian Armed Forces because of three posts on VKontakte in which he wrote about the dead civilians in Bucha, about the killings of Ukrainian volunteers and animal rights activists, and also that Putin wants to blockade Kiev.

"Memorial" writes that Bakhtin, among other things, was charged with the following posts: “Putler! Your MOTHER had a blockade! You betrayed your MOTHER! You are the worst enemy of Mankind in its entire history! You must be eliminated in ANY way! Is there really no honest military left in the Russian army who would destroy the bunker of this evil spirits with missiles?

«In Ukraine, Russian 'warmakers' continue to kill civilians, now my colleagues too — animal rights activists and volunteers. <…> Kyiv: Anastasia Yalanskaya — 26-year-old Ukrainian volunteer. She died near Kiev when she was delivering food to a shelter for dogs that had not been fed for three days. Eternal memory to the girl. The car, in which she and two other guys were, was fired at close range. All three died.

- One leg here — another one there

- Howling in the swamps: "Supplies of Western weapons prevent Russia from adequately completing the NMD!!!" — RF requested a meeting of the UN Security Council on the supply of weapons to Ukraine

- So the generation of Russians has grown up

- Zaluzhny met with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, General Daniel Zmeko. The meeting has unusual observers.

- I'm not interested in politics...

- Do you remember 2014, when the Russians laughed at plywood, boards and logs on the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine? It looks like they're not laughing anymore.

- Excuse me?

Probably it should be understood this way: on 24.02 at 4 o'clock in the morning, Ukrainian territory treacherously attacked our missiles, squandered thousands of tons of ammunition and stole an incredible amount of pieces of equipment...

- Thousands of Russians wrote denunciations against neighbors, acquaintances and former lovers on the comic platform "My denunciation"

- Barracks 2.0

- Memes

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