Extreme medicine: how to perform an operation at sea using kitchen utensils? (5 photos)

7 August 2023

Appendicitis can still cause a lot of problems today. And what if an attack occurs far from the benefits of civilization, for example, in an open sea?

On modern submarines there is a medical service in the person of both a minimum of a surgeon who will quickly and competently carry out everything necessary manipulations. And during the Second World War, the patient it was prescribed to lay on a bunk, put ice on it and keep it on strict diet before arriving on earth. Obviously, not everyone made it out alive.


Therefore, Darel Rector, a sailor from the American the Seadragon submarines were so-so. When the only one somehow connected medical orderly Wheeler Lipes reported fainting to Commander Bill Ferrol, he also understood this.

And he began to ardently persuade Wheeler to carry out the operation. But, orderly? He could treat an abrasion, lubricate a bruise. Well, you can correct dislocation. But abdominal surgery? However, the commander continued to insist, and Lips made up his mind.

The patient was placed in the wardroom. Torpedomen shared alcohol. They took a colander in the galley and covered it with cotton wool. available "surgeon" had a whole pocket surgical kit. Napkins and gloves were also available, and in impromptu surgical mirrors turned into bent silver spoons. All tools, consumables and clothes were carefully treated with alcohol.

As assistants, the orderly attracted the navigator and the first mate. The patient was put to sleep in an original way: they put a colander on his face and began to carefully drip ether. The sailor fell asleep.

The orderly made an incision. And spoons went into action: with their help parted and fixed the abdominal muscles. True, with a search appendix arose a wire: Wheeler did not immediately find him behind the blind gut. But when the culprit of all the problems was found, the orderly carefully removed. I tied the rest in a knot and burned it with phenol.

The abdominal cavity was treated with alcohol, the wound was sterilized antimicrobial tablets, crushed into powder, and sewn up bull veins.

After a couple of weeks, the sailor not only recovered, but also partly took up his duties. What is remarkable the day of the operation - September 11, 1942 was the guy's birthday. Rector turned 19 years old.

Seadragon returned to base a month after the operation. The doctors examined the sailor and confirmed his normal condition. But the orderly's act did not receive a response and support from the management.

Wheeler Lipes with his wife and kitchen utensils

The flotilla commander said that the initiative could be supported and other. But no one guarantees a favorable outcome of other interventions. And the US Navy doctors threatened their "colleague" with a tribunal. Although removal he carried out by order of the commander.

Lipes in the years of service and in old age

As a result, Lips was left behind. He served until the end of the war. A the merits of the brave orderly were noted only 63 years after the unique operation. And gave Wheeler the Commendation Medal for his service in Navy.

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