In the Amur Region, a prisoner escaped through a transmission window in a visiting room

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
1 August 2023

The sidelets was supposed to be released in 2025, but, apparently, the prisoner did not have the strength to wait for this wonderful moment.

A daring escape was made by a convict from Blagoveshchensk.

The young man was tried for theft in 2022. The inmate still had a couple of years of imprisonment, but he decided to knock off his sentence on his own.

On Sunday, the prisoner was cleaning the visiting room when he suddenly realized that this was his chance. While the warden was away, the man escaped, climbing out through the transmission window.

It is not known what the convict was counting on, but a few hours later he was caught.

Now the fugitive can add four more years to the remaining two years of imprisonment (Article 313 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "Escape from a place of deprivation of liberty, from arrest or from custody"). In addition, the convict will be charged through the court the amount of expenses spent on his search.

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