Why do gypsies insert gold teeth (11 photos)

27 July 2023

Gold teeth are exactly the same hallmark gypsy people, as well as bright multi-layered clothes, an abundance of children and noisy, attention-grabbing behavior.

Moreover, they can boast of the presence of gold crowns, as well as already mature, and very young gypsies, since age does not play into no role in this matter. Gold teeth are not placed out of necessity - medical prosthetics have nothing to do with it. Just gold in life gypsies, in any form, plays a huge and not always practical role.

In fairness, I note that the gypsies pay enough attention to their own wealth. It is in their nature to boast of wealth, if there is such a thing: to put on the best outfits, to dress yourself with all decorations that are in the house, buy gold chandeliers, candelabra and toilet bowls, even if they are not particularly necessary, and all for the sake of position in a society where they are greeted just by the “golden” clothes.

The gypsies even had a saying: “Gold and mud glitters." The gypsies believed that even a small piece of gold could attract to its owner even more gold and other material good.

Ethnographers believe that such a passion to surround oneself objects made of gold among the gypsies arose because of the nomadic lifestyle. The habit (or need) to move from place to place is practically deprived the gypsies of the opportunity to hide treasures, that is, to make hiding places for your belongings in one particular place, because you never know whether you come back here again or not. Even during a short stop to leave the wealth acquired by overwork unattended was a matter risky - you never know who can get into a tent or wagon ?!

Hence the habit of the gypsies went all the most valuable, and gold in including keeping it to yourself. And at the same time, the fashion for gold teeth: to lose or it was impossible to steal gold crowns, which means that their the owner could sleep peacefully. In addition, among gypsy men, gold teeth were considered not only a sign of wealth, but also a strong potency.

However, in addition to the undeniable material value, gold for gypsies are also a talisman against all sorts of troubles and troubles, therefore it is a must to have it with you! And let the dress in tatters, and the shirt is worn to holes, there are always gold jewelry on gypsies: bracelets, rings, earrings, pendants and, of course, teeth! And most importantly, that the most valuable are those gold trinkets that were found, donated, stolen ... in general, obtained in any free way.

Another reason for the great love of gypsies, or rather, even gypsies to gold and gold teeth, this is their kind of insurance against vicissitudes of fate. Many Eastern peoples have a tradition: if a husband stops loving his wife and kicks her out of the house, she has the right to take everything that he can carry on himself, and, most often, this, of course, decorations.

Gypsy jewelry

Researchers believe that in gypsy families, where divorces are principle are extremely rare, the same principle works. AND, if a man is unlikely to give money or property during a divorce, then deprive he certainly will not become his ex-wife of gold teeth! Therefore golden crowns are a kind of insurance against poverty for a woman in case of divorce.


But, as I said above, divorces in gypsy communities a rare phenomenon, but weddings are the opposite! And what could be the best a gift for a gypsy wedding celebration, if not gold? Just yet more gold! That is why relatives and friends of the bride are trying give her as many gold jewelry as possible. And if the groom wants prove to his future wife how much he loves her, then he pays her gold teeth.

Such a gesture is not only a manifestation of loveand worries, but a kind of contribution to further family life, because, as we remember, gold, according to the gypsies, is a strong amulet against troubles and a real magnet for potential wealth.

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