How are gypsy weddings (20 photos)

17 June 2023

Different peoples have their own special traditions of the wedding ceremony. Gypsies are no exception.

A wedding for gypsies is perhaps the most important event in life, since family ties are the basis on which, in fact, the entire gypsy culture is based. And since the event is important, then they never spare money on it: they spend many years of savings, borrow, give the last and only in order to in a big way, cheerfully, noisily and drunkenly, in a gypsy way, so to speak, to celebrate a wedding.

Gypsies welcome early marriages. Moreover, gypsies often can woo their children when they have not even learned to walk. IN In this case, the parents agree on the wedding in advance, and, as a rule, celebrate it when their children enter adolescence: usually this 14-15 years old. And such an agreement is observed very strictly.

In addition, the camp gypsies have a practice when parents of a potential groom come to woo a family in which there is a very young girl. And, if the parents of this girl give the go-ahead, then the groom's parents take her to their family, where she lives until she is 13-15 years old. Actually, before the wedding.

Why is this needed? Just so the groom's parents get the opportunity to raise an ideal daughter-in-law for themselves. Well, so early marriage, according to the gypsies, helps to keep young people within the framework of traditional way of life of the nomadic people. Moreover, the aim of the majority gypsies at the age of 30 become grandparents, and at 45, if you're lucky, already babysit grandchildren. By the way, many modern gypsies still listen to the voice of common sense, and try to marry no earlier than 16-20 years.

Curious fact. Boys and girls meet before marriage strictly prohibited, so many young lovers communicate secretly. By the way, parents are often aware of such relationships, and in order not to go against tradition and society in which such behavior is considered unacceptable, the whole thing is carefully hidden.

In addition, it is far from a fact that after such meetings, young people get married. The guy is nothing, he will just continue to live, as he lived before this, but the girl who was caught in a romantic relationship before the wedding, is unlikely to arouse the interest of other potential suitors. Like, damaged goods, and this shame will fall on the whole family.

Gypsies marry once and for life. More precisely, very to this strive. In general, in gypsy society it is considered prestigious and always causes respect if the girl had and has only one man. Bad, good, walking, drinking - it doesn't matter. The main thing is one for life. Usually in this case, the elders say: “To endure, fall in love.” And usually this simple spell works.

A wedding is almost the most important event in life. gypsies, so no one ever spares money for it. Average a gypsy wedding costs 25 thousand dollars, and all the expenses for it, usually taken over by the groom's family. The parents of the bride can also help, but only if they want to. This is an optional condition.

By the way, about the dowry of the bride, the gypsies in general, as a rule, do not they say, but they always cook it. And if in past years it usually consisted of featherbeds, pillows, clothes and gold jewelry, today it is, most often, the keys to the house where the young will live (if the parents of the bride able to provide it), cars or gold.

Gypsy wedding day begins with the fact that the groom, along with family arrives at the bride's house. Towards my chosen one girl father brings him by the hand. In the same place, within the walls of the bride's house, future spouses exchange rings, and then go to traditional wedding walks. By the way, the most important thing at a wedding is not the newlyweds, but guests. That is why the bride and groom cannot spend much time on own athoti - they need to go to the guests, to the place hosting the main event.

At a gypsy wedding, all relatives are walking, and if invitations for European weddings, it is customary to send them personally, then in In the case of gypsy celebrations, this technique does not work. Since they are walking gypsies, then they walk with the whole family: children, grandchildren, nephews, and the seventh water on jelly. On average, about 300 people come to a gypsy wedding guests, but, of course, there may be more.

At the door to the hall where the main festival takes place, ceremonial music is sure to play - touches. Then comes the gypsy polka, after which the newlyweds go out to meet each family separately: accept congratulations and flowers. And basically in throughout the holiday, the young devote all their attention to the guests: they drink with them, entertain, dance. In general, who is in what much. Well, dancing is in general, an integral part of any gypsy holiday!

After observing all the necessary traditional formalities, unmarried girls and unmarried boys. And it is being done so that families can already now look at the future of brides and grooms. And by the way, for the holidays tables only the newlyweds sit together. Other men and women from number of guests are seated separately.

Also, at a gypsy wedding, the traditional “Bitter!” and all because it is not customary for gypsies to show their feelings in public. And not even a wedding is complete without the usual and very chaste kisses.

Traditionally, during a gypsy wedding, the bride must changes clothes. The first dress, white, she changes to colored and, as as a rule, red - as a symbol of blood. Close to midnight, in full swing wedding feast, the newlyweds are taken to the bedroom, where, in fact, their first wedding night happens. And at this time, literally under door, matchmakers are sitting. They make sure that everything is without deception. They are, in fact, they take away the sheet on which the “first marriage ceremony” took place. night" to check the blood for authenticity.

After that, the sheet is taken out to the guests, demonstrating that everything passed according to the rules, and then the newlyweds themselves return to the hall, and the holiday continues. After the wedding, by the way, the sheets are cherished like the apple of an eye. It is believed that she brings happiness and joy to the house, and for For a gypsy girl, she is something of a talisman.

Usually a gypsy wedding lasts two or three days, but wealthy gypsies, the celebration can drag on for a week. Here by myself decides how much to walk! When, finally, the wedding fun subsides, the young wife goes to live in the house of her husband.

Today, gypsies are quite often not limited to traditional wedding festivities and try to officially register their marriages in the registry offices. However, the official ceremony is absolutely indispensable. not woven into the general tradition of the wedding celebration. The young can sign a month before the festival, and a week, or maybe even after the festivities - as they want.

And in general, registration of marriage in the registry office before the traditional gypsy wedding does not mean that the bride and groom actually became husband and wife. Papers are papers, and rituals and traditions for gypsy people mean much more!

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