Angel with a lamp: the story of a textbook sister of mercy (9 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
27 July 2023

In the life of this woman there were no mystical events that made choose this path. She made her choice with her mind and heart. And it is in her birthday - on May 12, the world celebrates an international holiday - Day nurses.

Florence Nightingale was born into a wealthy British family. aristocrats in 1820. Father - landowner William Nightingale was a man of progressive views and gave his daughters - Florence and her sister Parthenome is a brilliant formation.

As a young lady, Florence realized that her true purpose is to help others. And started on my own learn the basics of medicine from books.

Relatives were not delighted with such a decision, because they saw more promising occupations for a young aristocrat than mess with the sick poor. But they didn’t argue either. girl secretly She went to Germany, where she received a diploma in nursing.

Florence Nightingale. August Egg

Parents relented, turned a blind eye to the eccentricities of their daughter and assigned her a solid content. Florence went to work manager of a clinic for noble ladies. And then, having collected several dozen like-minded people, went to Istanbul. There were rear hospitals where the wounded soldiers were located (the Crimean War was just going on).

The horrendous conditions categorically did not suit her. Woman developed a stormy activity: repairing leaky roofs, exterminating rats, Mandatory hand washing before carrying out any manipulations. As a result mortality rates dropped from 42% to a record 2%.

Soon under the wing of the Woman with the lamp, as they called Florence (she walked around the sick even at night, holding a lit lamp) began to flock romantic young ladies who have read about her activities. For generous donations from rescued officers, she organized the Nightingale school of sisters of mercy. Its graduates began to open similar establishments all over Britain.

Florence's influence grew. With great prestige, woman managed to achieve health care reform. Medical institutions must be equipped with ventilation systems, sewerage and water supply. Introduced a system of lectures on preventive activities for staff. And military doctors from now on had to try treat patients, not just amputate limbs. Just at this time, a new science of statistics was gaining momentum. And Florence urged the need to implement their ideas of parliamentarians. Learned men, to their to their own surprise, perfectly understood the meaning of graphs and diagrams and agreed with the arguments of the Woman with the Lamp.

Monument to Florence Nightingale

Florence wrote the book "How to Care for the Sick" became a bestseller. The theme of care and mercy has become a kind of fashion trend among noble women. Thanks to the example Nightingale.

The last years of her long and fruitful life, Florence seriously ill: she lost the ability to walk and almost went blind. But even in Under these conditions, she continued to pursue her life's work.

Frame from the film "Florence Nightingale" 1985

This woman is a symbol of independence, mercy and desire. go your own way, even if it is contrary to the standards of society. A museum was dedicated to Nightingale, several films were established in her honor medal - the highest award for nurses, called an asteroid. Mattel released a collectible doll in the image of Florence in the series "Inspirational women". And on the birthday of the Woman with a lamp, now the whole world celebrates Day of nurses.

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