The famous scene from Akira Kurosawa's The Brave Samurai that inspired Quentin Tarantino

26 July 2023
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Akira Kurosawa is one of the most influential film directors in the history of cinema. You can talk about his influence on cinematography endlessly. Kurosawa's films had a huge impact on the most important American genre - the western. What can I say, "A Fistful of Dollars" with Clint Eastwood was not just inspired by the movie "The Bodyguard", but was literally copied. The heroes of Kurosawa not only influenced the creation of the image of "cool cowboys", but even the Jedi! George Lucas was also inspired by the work of the Japanese director before he created the Star Wars universe. In general, the list of great directors for whom Kurosawa acted as a teacher can be listed for a really long time.

Among his followers there is even... Quentin Tarantino. And now, how one episode from the film "The Brave Samurai" in 1962 in the future will become the "calling card" of the creator of "Pulp Fiction". In this scene, the hose under the kimono was supposed to supply a small amount of blood, but the coupling broke and all the liquid under strong pressure poured out in a geyser. The director said it was cool, so he did not reshoot anything. Actually ... that's how the famous "fountains" of blood appeared in samurai duels, which were picked up not only by Tarantino, but also by a host of other directors.

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