27 hellish tenants who turned decent houses into garbage (27 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 16
20 July 2023

Owners are not unreasonably afraid to rent out their apartments. Few people take care of other people's property, so often You have to make repairs after negligent tenants. In such cases The insurance deposit does not cover the amount of damage. from the garbage dump and scribbled wallpaper to destroyed walls and bedbugs - to eliminate all These horrors can take months, or even years.

1. Living evidence why it's time to kick out tenants

2. "It took six months to evict this tenant. His lawyer asked me to return his damages deposit."

3. "Surprise from a man renting a house from my 92-year-old great-grandmother (bottled piss)"

4. "Warning not to trust "friends" and not conduct regular inspections. The tenant paid on time, never had no problems or calls, lived in the apartment for 3 years, after which did not renew the contract due to the increase in arenas

5. "The lodgers moved out. This is what they left behind."

6. The landlord found out where the tenant's money went. Terrible but impressive at the same time

7. Carpet before and after tenants. Photos taken 1 year apart

8. "The tenants killed my house. I'm going broke on the renovation."

9. "The tenants were evicted, and we saw the apartment in this form"

10. "I found out that the former unscrupulous tenants who vandalized my home and caused over $60,000 worth of damage, bought a new house. What to do? Go to law?"

11. And people still don’t understand why a security deposit is needed

12. The tenants said it was normal wear and tear.

13. "I love it when tenants try to fix a stucco wall after their TV ripped out a whole piece."

14. "The tenant said that her 4-year-old child scratched the walls to calm down"

15. Residents vandalized home after being asked to leave due to non-payment of rent.

16. When you felt like full-fledged owners and made a budget "repair" with your own hands

17. "New tenant is due to move in in 3 days. I don't think that will happen."

18. "I saw you rent a house. Now I live right on neighborhood, and my landlord rents me some slum and illegally evicted me. I was given only 24 hours to move out, and I have three children and a dog

19. "The tenant removed the lock from the door to the attic, and this is what I found inside. Mountains of trash. Garbage appears to have been stored in the attic months"

20. "The tenant is not paying rent and utilities... What can I do?"

21. "Finally"they were evicted, and this is what the basement looks like now"

22. How can you get so cluttered in a year?!

"How to explain to them that they will not be able to return the security deposit?"

25. "Is this enough to lose the deposit?"

26. "The tenant had a fire in the kitchen. The stove, hood, cabinet were damaged. The walls turned black"

27. "My tenant has moved out. What is this and why?"

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