An inadequate woman hit a nine-year-old girl on a store counter

19 July 2023
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In Novosibirsk, police are identifying a woman who violently pushed a nine-year-old girl in one of the stores. The child hit his face on the window.

A resident of Novosibirsk said that in one of the stores, an inadequate woman pushed his daughter hard, after which the child hit his face on the window and broke his nose.

“My nine-year-old daughter and her friend went to the store for sweets, stood choosing. The procedure was interrupted by a woman aged 60+. She hit the girl with her palm on the back of the head and from the blow the girl hit her nose in the window. As a result, a bruise of the bridge of the nose and abrasion. The girls were naturally frightened, the daughter ran away from the store in tears. She called me right away. I work close to home and at this time I was going home for lunch. The daughter is calling, we met, she told everything, ”the words of the man are quoted.

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