After taking antibiotics, the tongue of a man from the USA changed color and became covered with hair (3 photos)

Category: Health, Terrible, PEGI 18
12 July 2023
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That's how you drink a course of antibiotics, and turn into Shrek ...

64-year-old resident of the United States, on the recommendation of a dentist, completed a course antibiotic therapy. The man was taking clindamycin and then came to examination at the Wright-Patterson Medical Center in Ohio. Doctors examining patient, were surprised: his tongue turned green and covered with hair.

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In fact, these hairs are just enlarged tongues. papillae, but they look creepy, while the norm is practically invisible. The patient did not complain about pain and changes in taste sensations, so he was examined and released.

Hairy tongue syndrome, as doctors explain, in general harmless. Such changes in a person can occur in a variety of ways. reasons: the tongue changes color and looks "hairy" due to the disease, characterized by hyperkeratosis of the filiform papillae. Among other things, they are painted in an unusual color (most often black or brown). A not only antibiotics can cause this reaction, but also - doctors warn - poor oral hygiene, dehydration and even smoking.

You can clean your tongue with a special scraper or a regular teaspoon.

For treatment, the patient was recommended to clean the tongue with a special brush that scrapes the surface. removing all unnecessary what accumulates there during wakefulness. By the way, this advice cleaning the tongue helped the American. His tongue returned to normal, although he could not force himself to quit smoking. Despite doctors advice.

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