In Japan, a woman grew "hair" on her tongue from antibiotics (3 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18, Health
17 May 2023
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Well, to be more precise, the taste buds turned black, became hard and stuck out, resembling bristles.

A 60-year-old woman learned more than a year ago about a severe diagnosed with rectal cancer. She went through chemotherapy, doctors prescribed the antibiotic minocycline for her skin lesions, caused by chemotherapy, and here the strangeness began. This drug considered universal, used to treat everything from acne to pneumonia.

After a couple of weeks of taking the drug, her face became a characteristic gray tint, and the tongue was completely covered with black spots, plus the mouth smelled very bad. Further more, stains of steel increase, and the taste buds completely became similar to black and brown hairs and hurt the woman.

Doctors said that this is a very rare side effect in taking this drug - "tongue with black hair" (BHT). Antibiotic changed the normal content of bacteria in the mouth and gave the woman a gray face skin color.

"Minocycline turns black when oxidized and can cause to a change in skin color," the doctors said in a statement.

Treatment results after 6 weeks.

The woman was prescribed another drug, prescribed to drink plenty of water and regularly clean the tongue and after 6 weeks the tongue and face are practically came back to normal.

Although doctors say that "woolly tongue" is completely harmless, but, you see, there is little pleasant when you have mouth shoe brush.

What side effects have you experienced from taking the pills?

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