In the UK, a pig had to be rescued, which was kept in a odnushka and fed fast food (5 photos)
Amazing things are happening, however. Shelter staff for the animals had to be nursed by a huge pig weighing 165 kilograms. The poor animal became obese because its owner kept it for seven years. her in a city one-room apartment, fed unhealthy food and watered soda.
A pig named Portia was removed from a single room in Manchester. Her three times the healthy weight! Portions were just needed health care.
At the Whitegate Animal Shelter in Wirral, Merseyside, a pig put on a diet that should help her recover and become healthy animals.
Portia came to us last summer,” said Shelter worker Jill Jolly. She lived in someone's apartment like a domestic pig fed junk food, biscuits and cola. She was in complete depression - locked in an apartment, only a small one for walking patio, in which there was not even dirt. She is disillusioned with life.
We took her just in time and put her on a regular meal. from a balanced dry feed for pigs, fruits and vegetables. At first she was still huge and struggled to get up. She was in pain she pounced and tried to bite.
But as soon as she was able to stand up and start moving, the weight she fell because she became more fit every day. Time, love, care and patience helped us bring Portia back to normal pigs.
At the Whitegate Animal Shelter, established five years ago, contains about 150 pigs, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and turkeys.