In Germany, a 15-year-old Afghan attacked a train driver and paralyzed railway traffic

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
10 July 2023

The driver left the cab to separate the quarreling foreigners - and received a ton of "gratitude".

Last Wednesday, at about 20:30 at a stop in Lauter-Bernsbach (Saxony), two migrants beat up a 50-year-old train driver. One of the foreigners was especially zealous, who, as it turned out later, was only 15 years old.

According to some media reports, the train driver just wanted to calm down the excited guys, but they turned their anger on the German. In the video, filmed by the passengers, you can see how the guys violently beat an adult man. A 15-year-old boy, unashamedly, beats him on the head with his feet.

After the massacre, the attackers fled, and the driver called an ambulance. He was hospitalized with severe injuries, and the foreigners were detained. A 15-year-old Afghan citizen was taken into custody, the issue of a 23-year-old Lebanese who helped a minor to beat a driver is being resolved.

According to media reports, after the incident, train traffic on this railway line was paralyzed for almost 1.5 hours.

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