Why are there such "cardboard" houses in America (5 photos)

7 July 2023

We all watched in films how the hero easily breaks through door or wall with your foot, or even with your hand. The feeling that they have a home out there pressed paper are made. But why?

When building houses in the USA, very light materials are used. materials. In North American states, during construction, they use wooden beams as a frame and sheathed with plywood or sheets Chipboard. Not cardboard, of course, but there are few differences. And sheathed outside siding, and even decorative bricks.

Ceilings in houses are not resistant and on floors above the first it is strongly discouraged to drop heavy things, actively dance or jump.

Americans build such flimsy houses not only because relatively favorable climate, which does not require extra insulation in winter.

It's all about hurricanes. It is easier to build a house from simple and light materials, because they are easier to restore than brick or block building. It is more expensive both in construction and in reconstruction.

Due to the fact that houses are light in frame, residential areas built in just a few months, which is a plus in situations where the population must quickly change their place of residence.

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