The actors told what their star roles they can not stand (12 photos)

7 July 2023

It's great when a person is not afraid of criticism and knows how to do the job over mistakes. It's even better when he's his own main critic. This is very a valuable quality for a responsible and caring professional. However, in a big movie, actors have to keep quiet, because they have not only ethical, but also contractual obligations, besides there is a risk, that studios can send disgruntled actors to a "shadowban" and more do not call for shooting. Plus, if an actor criticizes himself, then in this way he offends the director, writers and producers. But, naturally, there are exceptions. There are films whose main stars, they hate their roles so much that they could not keep silent. Let's see what projects we are talking about.

Brad Pitt

Dislikes the movie The Devil's Own (1997). Already on track making the film, the actor was dissatisfied with the changed script, but starred in him due to contractual obligations. The second star of the film was Harrison Ford.

By the way, among his favorite projects from his own filmography, Pitt suddenly singled out the biographical Western "How the Cowardly Robert Ford Killed Jesse James (2007).

Jim carrey

He criticized the film "Kick-Ass 2" (2013) for excessive cruelty and refused to participate in its promotion.

Jessica Alba

Wanted to quit acting after filming movies Fantastic Four (2005) and Fantastic Four: Invasion Silver Surfer (2007). Actress Quote:

I hated filming. I just hated it. I remember playing the death of his heroine in the "surfer". The director said: “It looks too plausible. Too painful. Can you be more beautiful when do you cry? Cry beautifully, Jessica"

Ryan Reynolds

Together with the whole world laughs at the film "Green Lantern" (2011). IN In 2023, the actor admitted what it was like watching the movie at the premiere:

It was crazy. Strange feeling. It was not a feeling that I would like to repeat

Colin Farrell

He openly said that he did not like the crime thriller "Police Miami: Vice Department (2006), arguing that in the film Michael Mann with his style takes precedence over content.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

No, this is not Conan the Barbarian, but the fantasy film Red Sonja (1985), released three years later. Here is what Arnie himself says:

This is the worst film I have ever made. When my children misbehave, they are sent to their rooms and forced to watch "Red Sonya" 10 times. So I never had much trouble with them

George Clooney

Of course, the actor's main regret is Batman and Robin (1997). He even admitted that he considered himself guilty of the fact that the film incarnation this comic book hero was so shamed that for him more no one will take. That was until Batman Begins in 2005.

I actually thought I ruined the franchise until the others brought it back a few years later. At the time I thought it would be very good career move. But it wasn't.

Ben Affleck

The actor does not like the film "Daredevil" (2003). According to him, the film did not work in anything, and this is still soft wording - Affleck added that he would have expressed himself stronger if he wanted to make some noise in the media.

Channing Tatum

Openly criticizes the action movie Cobra Rush (2009).

To be honest, I fucking hate this movie. I was forced to act in it. The script didn't work

Mark Wahlberg

Calls M. Night Shyamalan's thriller The Appearance (2008) bad movie. In addition, right during a press conference dedicated to film The Fighter (2010), said actress Amy Adams, who could star in "The phenomenon" that she "dodged a bullet."

JaeNnifer Lawrence

She told that she regrets participating in the film "Passengers" (2016). The funny thing is that the actress was dissuaded by the singer Adele.

Adele advised me not to! She said, "I think space movies are the new vampire movies." I should have her listen. Everything was like a rebound effect. I'm constantly on to something reacted, not acted.

Viola Davis

The actress managed to criticize the film, for the role in which received an Oscar nomination. This is a highly successful drama. "Servant" (2011). The actress complained about the blurring of the film's message, which, in her opinion, was never disclosed "what it's like to work for white people and raise children in 1963."

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