russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for June 30 and July 1

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
2 July 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The United States may transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine in July.

The final decision of the White House on this issue is expected in the near future.

If approved, the ammunition could be included in a new package of military aid to Kyiv as early as next month.

- Trump:

Ukraine will have to give up part of its territories to stop this ridiculous war.

- A Russian hockey player was detained in Poland on charges of spying for Moscow.

- Head of military intelligence of Ukraine Budanov:

The FSB of the Russian Federation received an order to kill Prigozhin.

- Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhny:

It's annoying when they say that the offensive is slow, because every meter is given in blood.


The Ukrainian command generally refrains from sending large formations of infantry and Western tanks to storm Russian positions.

- Ukrainian General Valery Zaluzhny:

We need more ammunition. The troops must fire at least as many shells as the enemy, but sometimes the Russians outnumber them by ten to one.

Several "Leopard" tanks have already been destroyed, "Leopard" on the battlefield is not a "Leopard", but a target.

I don't need 120 planes. I'm not going to threaten the whole world. A very limited amount will suffice. But they are needed. Because there is no other way.

Western allies are counting on quick successes, although they themselves would never have started without air superiority — until Ukraine received modern fighters.

- Head of military intelligence of Ukraine Budanov:

Ukraine will do everything possible to de-occupy the territories by the end of the year, but "only God can give guarantees."

- Brazil refused to supply Ukraine with Guarani 6x6 armored personnel carriers in the version of armored medical vehicles.

- Russian Foreign Ministry:

Kyiv is preparing to carry out a terrorist act at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

- A new history textbook with a section "Special Operation of Russia" for grades 10-11 will be included in the federal list of textbooks at the end of July in Russia.

The book will include "all the reasons for the start of the special operation."

- German Chancellor Scholz calls the issue of a possible arrest of Russia's frozen assets "terribly difficult"; and says that so far no one knows how this can be done.

- Prime Minister of Poland:

Poland wants to deploy US nuclear weapons in response to the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus.

- MT-LB orcs on steroids

- Evgeny Prigozhin from Wagner dissolved the Patriot media holding.

RIA FAN, People's News, Economics Today and many other publications stop working.

The troll farm has stopped working, at least for now.

- The French Interior Ministry is calling on local authorities to ban the sale and transportation of firecrackers, gasoline containers and flammable chemicals.

- Member of PMC "Wagner" went berserk at the Moldovan airport in Chisinau, shooting indiscriminately.

It is reported about the victims.

Special forces of Moldova carry out an operation to detain the shooter.

- Lukashenka declares that Western politicians are laying Europe's head on the "nuclear guillotine" with their own hands.

- Ukrainian tactical wheeled armored vehicles Cobra II 4x4 supplied by Turkey in Volchansk, Kharkiv region.

- Satellite images of a possible new Wagner PMC camp in Osipovichi, Belarus.

More than 300 tents pitched near Osipovich. Each tent can accommodate up to 50 people.

- U.S. Army Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley:

War on paper and real war — Different things.

Ukraine fights for its life. This is an existential struggle for Ukraine.

Yes, of course, a little slow, but that's part of the nature of war.


Hours after the Wagner mutiny, CIA chief Bill Burns spoke to SVR director Sergei Naryshkin to convey a message in which the United States was not involved.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky:

Ukraine wants to show results on the battlefield ahead of the NATO summit in Lithuania on 11 July.

- The military commissar was severely beaten for handing out subpoenas

In the Kyiv region, the local elite beat the military commissar. The military man was in the ATO, was wounded and started working in the military registration and enlistment office. The man had a day off and he ran into a group of young guys. Now the man is in the hospital, and the perpetrators are looking for.

- Zaluzhny on the second attack on Kyiv: I have many fears, and Wagner on the northern borders — among them

“Yes, and they are not the only ones. ( If we start talking about everyone now, my head will spin. Our task — prepare for the worst and most likely scenario.

- There is a risk of undermining the ZNPP, — Zelensky.

➡️ Russia is weak ( and uncontrollable. Explosives and 5,000 Russian soldiers with heavy weapons at the ZNPP. Part of their strategy is to freeze the conflict.

➡️ Putin is now threatened more than me. There are still people who want to kill him.

➡️ The good news is that we have destroyed the most motivated part of the Russian forces. The Wagners had two categories: professional mercenaries and those mobilized from prisons (cannon fodder). The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 21,000 people, and 80,000 were wounded.

- Ukraine is preparing Kharkov and Sumy for surrender, — Russian military commander Sladkov

Fictitious stories about which it is impossible to remain silent

- A participant in various programs on the propaganda channels of the Russian Federation, Rygovanov received a major position in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Not a bad career. Yesterday you helped the Russians work against Ukraine on the information front, and today you are already a Russian agent in the Defense Ministry.

- The Russian Federation will remotely undermine the ZNPP immediately after the station comes under the control of Ukraine in order to blame us for this, — Zelensky

- Kadyrov is near death and no longer speaks, — a number of media outlets connected with Ichkeria.

- Will affect 4 areas: Energoatom announced the most likely scenario in the event of an explosion at the ZNPP

Today there is a high probability of a terrorist act at the station. According to the most likely scenario, four areas will be affected:

➡️ Zaporozhye region;

➡️ Dnepropetrovsk;

➡️ Kherson region;

➡️ Nikolaevskaya.

The terrain that will fall into the "poisonous cloud" of emissions may change due to changes in wind direction.

- "It seems that this war has no end", — says the Pope's envoy, who has returned from Moscow.

- The Russian Ministry of Defense terminated the contract with Prigozhin's catering company Concorde.

The company was engaged in the food supply of the Russian military.

- Ukrainian tank Leopard 2A4 with dynamic protection Contact-1

- President of Ukraine Zelensky:

Some partners delay the training schedule for Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.

Why they do it - I don't know.

- German media about the offensive of Ukraine:

RND: What if the Ukrainian offensive fails?

Tagesspiegel: Ukraine's counteroffensive: a new front and an insurmountable problem

Die Zeit: Why the Ukrainian offensive is not moving forward

- A Russian official reports that the Wagner PMC received 858 billion rubles ($9.7 billion) under government contracts.

Another company associated with Yevgeny Prigogine "Concord" provided services for 845 billion rubles ($9.6 billion).

Total 1.7 trillion rubles. ($19.3 billion).

- The rusting remains of eight British WWII Hawker Hurricane fighters have been found buried in a forest near Kiev.

Great Britain sent about 3,000 Hurricanes to the Soviet Union during the war with Nazi Germany.

The planes were deliberately destroyed and buried after the war so that the Soviet Union would not have to repay the debt to the United States.

According to the Lend-Lease Law, the USSR was obliged to pay for any donated military equipment that remained untouched after the end of hostilities.

- Minister of Labor of Sweden

- Happy Ukrainian Navy Day

- In Vladivostok, the court sent activist Sergei Tokhteev to a mental hospital. Previously, 5 cases of "discrediting" the Russian army were brought against him.

The Pervorechensky District Court of Vladivostok sent a local resident Sergei Tokhteev to a psychiatric examination in a hospital for 30 days. About this "Taiga" told his friend. In May, at the request of the investigation, the activist underwent an outpatient psychiatric examination, but the commission decided that he needed "an additional examination in a psychiatric hospital."

Earlier, five cases of repeated "discrediting" were brought against him at once. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, combined into one production. He was charged with anti-war posts on social networks. In February, the security forces searched his place. The police officers mocked the activist, used a stun gun. In addition, they took all of his equipment.

Tokhteev — former volunteer of the regional headquarters of Navalny.

- Old memes in a new way. About new laws for NWO participants and about the attitude towards LGBT people in Russia

- Pypa

- An ordinary poster in a Russian school

- Zelensky: "Ukraine will not compromise on territorial integrity for the sake of NATO"

- How they love mirroring. The most favorite technique in propaganda.

What if the propaganda works, and the invaders start to take out the wounded soldiers from the battlefield, stop killing civilians and begin to help them… so close to a new rebellion

- Russian medicine

- When I talked too much with Putin

The reason for the unrest in France were computer games, said President Emmanuel Macron during a press conference.

Pogromists "poisoned by video games" and just repeat their stories, - he noted

- The story of a couple from Kyiv - commentary by Alexandra Garmazhapova

- Hooray, progress!

- Bahmut

There were 17 schools in Bakhmut (11,600 pupils). There were 29 kindergartens in Bakhmut (3500 children).

In Bakhmut there were 3 vocational schools (2000 students), 2 technical schools (6000 students), several music schools, 5 houses of culture, 12 libraries.

Near Bakhmut there was a salt mine and the world's largest underground concert hall.

A large enterprise for the production of sparkling wines using the classic bottled method was located in Bakhmut. In Bakhmut it was... It was... It was...

There is no such city in Ukraine anymore. Where the "Russian world" comes, everything ceases to exist.

Oksana Davygora

- New footage of the destroyed Kakhovka hydroelectric power station appeared on the social network. It is reported that this is a view from the left bank of the Dnieper, which is under the control of the Russian Federation.

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