In Canada, entire villages are urgently evacuated due to serious fires

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
30 June 2023

Residents of the villages of Val Paradis and Bocanton (more than 6 thousand people) were given an hour and a half to evacuate. Authorities forbid residents from returning to their homes.

Wildfires are raging in northwest Canada. The fire is approaching the house. The country's authorities hastily evacuate residents - about 6,000 people must leave their homes.

Meanwhile, in Quebec, new fires are recorded daily. So, last Friday five more were added to the existing ones. According to the report, more than 110 fires have been recorded in the province, 25 of which are considered uncontrolled.

Quebecers are being asked not to set off fireworks or light bonfires.

In Ontario, heavy smoke is recorded, and people are asked not to leave their homes - especially those who suffer from asthma and other diseases of the pulmonary system. Environment Canada said the air quality index for eastern and northern Ontario, including Ottawa, North Bay and Sudbury, was above 10 on Sunday, considered very high. Gatineau, Montreal and its suburbs received the same rating.

"Tomorrow the smoke where I work will be almost apocalyptic"

Nearly 72,000 square kilometers of forest land burned this year, almost four times the area of Lake Ontario. More than 13,000 square kilometers of forest have burned in the last seven days, and while the May fires were mainly caused by human activity, in June fires were recorded associated with lightning strikes.

Due to fires and smoke, the Ironman triathlon in Mont Tremblant was canceled, and youth football and baseball programs were canceled in Ottawa and Montreal. Outdoor pools and beaches are closed in Ottawa and neighboring Gatineau, Quebec. Residents of the country are asked to refrain from making fires and launching fireworks.

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